Chapter 8: The Nightcrawler

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(Guys just know I'm not that good at writing a battle so no complaints keep it to yourself 😒)


Why was he flustered? Eh I'll just ask him later.


~ Samurai's POV: ~

As we got to the crystal cave, I saw Regina, Sam, Michael, and Alice fighting the nightcrawler aside with other people. All of them looked beaten up, like really bad but I'd say it's a 5/10 injuries. "Samurai! James! there you are! guys distract the nightcrawler!" Alice yelled to the others, and they nodded. Nightcrawler? like in the bestiary? "Guys we need your help!" Alice yelled and the nightcrawler smashed the floor and everyone got thrown 3 feet. "Guys lets go no excuses!" Alice yelled at us, and we nodded. James brought his toxic waste katana, and I brought out my headtaker and we ran to where everyone was at.

 I ran to the Nightcrawler to hit it, but it punched me REALLY HARD. I got thrown 4 feet and I crashed to the floor. "SAMURAI!!" Everyone yelled and including the people I'm acquainted with. I blacked out, but I woke up from the slashing sounds. I got back up at spat blood. I had scratches all over me from the tiny crystals on the floor and some bruises but the only thing that hurt was my head. I was enraged. "SO THATS HOW YOU WANT IT HUH?!" I made a wide grin, but I was really angry. The nightcrawler got distracted by me. "GUYS NOWS THE CHANCE!" Michael yelled and everyone including me, ran toward the Nightcrawler. We all wacked and stabbed it at the same time. It fell on the floor...WE DEFEATED IT! "YAY WE DID IT!!!" Michael cheered and jumped around.

"Now we need to see if anyone didn't get infected or get hurt-" As Sam said that the lights went back on. "Yay we did it-" I huffed. "Samurai are you okay? you're bleeding..." Alice was concerned. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I was huffing and everything was blurry. "You look like shit. you should get treated-" Regina said, and then I remember collapsing on the floor. Turns out I had a concussion, and some scratches from the crystals, but not that deep. I woke up in the infirmary. (Made up part of the map lol)

"What happened?" I rubbed my head. i had a couple bandages and a bandage in my head "You collapsed on the floor foaming in the mouth." Sam said and it startled me. "HOLY SHIT SAM DON'T DO THAT!!" I yelled and winced in pain from the pain in my head. "I wasn't even that startling" He raised an eyebrow and was annoyed. "Where is everyone?" I questioned. "There out patrolling in some of the areas, but they'll be back." He answered. "But James was dramatically saying "WHAT IF SHES GONNA DIE?!' but everyone was concerned. Happy your better I guess." He looked away crossing his arms. I can tell he rolled his eyes, but I'm in too much pain to care about that.

"Well, I'll be going, your headtaker is getting repaired from the crystal damage. so, it might take a week or a couple days." Sam said. "Well, uh bye!" I waved and he left. 

I feel weak for not doing anything....

(Sorry if this is short)

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