Chapter 11: Unknown Gootrax

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(This chapter may be short no complaints. Btw I'm posting one chapter today Also, I'm making a fan made gootrax and you'll see what it'll be used for soon or even a little bit in this chapter😈)


"BURGERS HERE I COME!" Alice shouted and everyone laughed.

I wish this can stay long, but I do want to get out of here.


*1 month later*

~ Samurai's POV ~

It's been about a month since me and everyone have been here, and I've been growing homesick! I've noticed some weird things happening to me and I'm growing freaked out. When I go to the bathroom without my facemask, I have jagged canine teeth, I was born with jagged canine teeth, but not jagged teeth I have. And I have very weird intentions but it's hard to explain it. But let's go back to the positive stuff since this weird stuff that are happening to are REALLY FREAKING ME OUT.

I've been getting close to my friends including James and Alice, but James has been acting weird and I hope it's not anything concerning. Me and everyone were in the safe zone including me. James arguing with Kamila, Michael sanding up to Sam because sam was calling Alice emo. and Regina roasting some people. 

As I was looking in my bestiary which I do all the time, I saw a gootrax that had no picture and had '????' on it. Huh, weird. I tapped on it, and it Said,

Name: ????

Environmental Type: Normal


???? is a dangerous gootrax that can infect a person slowly. During past research, only 8% of the employees were turn into this unknown gootrax. It is the only known species that doesn't give an anthropomorphic appearance but can give your abilities. For an example: strength, flight, prehensile tail, venom, Telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and high intellect. Though this may sound cool, it can be dangerous. What's rare about them is that they cannot infect humans but can devour or kill humans. The side effects are hunger for humans (Rare) Jagged canine teeth, and isolation. Everything else is unknown but it's not curable like the others.

After I was done reading it, I was kind of intimidated by this creature. "Hey samurai you, ok?" Michael questioned behind me and startled me. "Oh yeah I'm fine!" I strained a smile. "Oh alright, btw we're going to go kill some gootrax, want to come?" He asked smiling. "O-oh sure." I didn't want to come, but I care about them. As we walked, to where the gootrax were, I was overthinking.

What if these side effects are what's happening to me?

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