Chapter 23: Did it really happen? or just a crazy dream?

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(I'm a little running out of ideas, so in future chapters, there might be some references, but do not complain or hate, but I'd like it if you gave me some ideas for chapters)

Location: Site-03 (It's a huge site)


When I was on site-01, I saw a paper saying 'BEWARE THE WATERMELON SHORK ON SITE-02


- 3rd person POV -

Site-03. This department holds head scientists, potential subjects, Interns, and upper-class guards. Back at headquarters all the scientist and interns were working on something very important and keeping something or someone at bay.

"Everything's under control everyone!" Dr. Garcia yells to everyone for assurance. At the back of the HQ, Genevieve was Chained on the wall. She then looked at them grinning with red glowing eyes. "Amelia!" Garcia yelled. "O-Oh, no I'm A-Actually I'm Dr. Melissa-" She looked to the locker and realized she wore an intern's outfit. "What does the intern do?" She whispered. Everyone then looked and organic like claws broke the chains. The claws then grabbed a spear, thrown at Melissa.

 She dodged the attack which ripped a tiny part of the intern outfit. "Amelia's going to kill me..." She mumbled. The scientist then turned on a machine to keep her on bay. Genevieve then collapsed on the floor. Then the same claws attempted to grab melissa, but then disappeared. "IF ONLY CARMINE WAS HERE!!" Melissa wailed. "Amelia get 010! He'll handle it!" Garcia yelled to Melissa as Garcia grabbed the syringe.

"W-What about 08?" Melissa questioned. "DON'T WORRY ABOUT 08." A random scientist yelled. "I'M ON IT!" Melissa yelled nervously. She ran out of HQ to the subject dorms. As she turned around, Genevive with red glowing eyes waved back menacingly. A Hebi and Manic attempted to attack her. "WHY IN THE FIDDLESTICKS WOULD THEY PUT THEM HERE?!" Melissa cried. 'Its so rainy today!!' She thought. She ran to the subject's dorms. "Ok its 010. like she said." she exclaimed looking down at the keycard. 

Melissa opened 010's dorm and saw him sitting on the floor. "Ugh...What now?" He questioned, walking toward Melissa. "Hey Liam- I mean 010, Genevieve is being possessed by Alina aka lavinax again and since your close to her uh- I don't know. I'm saying is we need your help again" Melissa shrugs while sweating. "UGHHHH" He facepalms in frustration.

 They ran back to headquarters as fast as they can. "STAY HERE!" She yelled anxiously. "WHAT IF ITS A-" Melissa slams the huge double hung doors. "Melissa! Come here!" Garcia yelled and Genevieve was shown on the ground with a syringe in her forehead. "U-Uh yeah...ok" She walked slowly. She could tell somethings wrong.

She then saw a puddle of blood. Her eyes widened and she turned to the left. She saw a dead corpse. It then was dragged, and the headquarters revealed dead corpses, and some people being infected. Genevive then appeared walking toward dr. melissa. Then wings sprouted being dragged to the floor. "Thank you for the new body. Dr melissa." Genevieve grinned with an unrecognizable voice. "Give Carmine my regards." She then threw a syringe. It then cut off.

< Samurai's POV: >

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" I screamed, and James accidentally hit his head and he groaned in pain. "What happ-" Then the door bashed open, and everyone was freaked out. "WHAT IN THE EVER-LOVING FUCK WAS THAT BLOODY MURDER SCREAM?!" Alice yelled. "HOW SHOULD I KNOW?!" James yelled. "Sorry...I had a weird dream..." I mumbled. "SAMURAI YOU FUCKING SCARED US!!!" Regina screeched. "Sorry again-" I apologized awkwardly. "Your fine. it's like...9:05 in the freaking morning." Alice mumbled. "I'm just going to go back to-" Michael whispered. "OH NO YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!" Sam yelled yanking Michael's hair. "H-Hey!" Michael cried and everyone rolled their eyes.

"Well, forget about it. I heard there's a load of gootrax." Alice commanded. "Alright then." I agreed. We got ready and went to the elevator. Everything was quiet. "So... What was the dream about?" Alice asked. "I'll tell you guys later." I answered.

Not going to lie. That was a pretty scary dream. I knew my mom was there. But who was 010? Why was Dr. Melissa there?

(I forgot to say this, but there are a couple head canons in this book, so there are some featured I added that aren't so kaiju paradise, so like I said, DO NOT COMPLAIN)

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