Chapter 30: Working with Ava is TORTURE

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I hope I won't be controlled again.


When she woke up, she was beautiful. But in the inside, it felt like everything apart of her was BLEEDING...   

<Sam's POV:>

We were all discussing who we need to work with today. "Why can't we just let this slide? Samurai probably didn't mean to use it!" Michael exclaims. "Well, she's in a penalty for today. So, we can't do anything about it unfortunately." Alice replied. "It's her fault we almost got killed so that's why!" Regina said in annoyance. "It's not samurai's fault you know." James mumbled. "Guys I think we know who to use, but you might hate it." I blurted out. Everyone's eyes widened.


"Of course, her."

"Why can't it be Kamila again??"

-Time skip to cafeteria-

We saw her walk in, typing on her phone. "Hey! So, what do you need?" Ava exclaimed. "You're going to have to work with us." I offered. "With you ugly people? Ha! As if!" She laughed flipping her hair. "Look you little bitch, do you want to get attacked by a partyena again? you worthless piece of shit!" Regina threatened and Ava's eyes widened. "Ugh, fine. You know I almost turned into one thanks to you!" Ava yelled, pointing at Regina with her left arm while typing then Regina flips her off. 

"let's just start patrolling. Besides, I smell a strong scent of perfume!" Alice plugged her nose. We walked out of the cafeteria and me and Regina were just talking. Ava was still typing on her phone while the typing was making James plug his ears in annoyance. I then ask, "Ava, wears your weapon?" I questioned and she put her phone in her pocket. "I don't have a weapon because I'm keeping the credit." Ava replied. 

"So, you've been walking around with no weapon???" Alice questioned and Ava nodded. "Fine, you could use my revolver." I grabbed it out of my pocket and gave it to her. "Too ugly. Can I paint it?" Ava questioned. "Dude, it's a golden revolver, how is it not pretty?" I questioned her and she shrugged. " We then saw a group of partyena's looking like their talking. 

"I'm too pretty to die! Blind fold guy! Right black glove with weird sunglasses plus ruby red hair! Kill them for me!" Ava exclaimed. "We have names you know." James asked. The partyena's then turned to us and grabbed out a party hat. We ran to them and started attacking them. Ava was just standing there taking pictures. "UH A LITTLE HELP HERE AVA!" Regina yelled.

"Sorry I'm taking pictures for Instagram!" She yelled back. We were able to kill them all and she was just standing there typing on her phone. "Ava, we need your help, and we asked you for help for a reason!" Michael said.  "Ugh, fine I'll help." She rolled her eyes. "FINALLY, TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" Alice yelled. We walked around and found a kaiju pinning down a guard and Ava ran to it and grabbed its fur. She pinned it down and shot it with the revolver. The goo exploded and got in her face. "EWWW!!" Ava shrieked and wiped it off her face. "Wow, good job Ava." Regina pats her head. "Yeah, no problem." Ava replied. 

"Well that shows Ava cannot be mean and selfish all the time!" Michael exclaimed. "I guess our patrolling's over." I said while checking the time on my watch. "Oh well then. want to come with us Ava?" Alice offered. "No, its fine! I have to do some things around here." She replied. "Very well then, bye!" Alice waved and we waved to her too. We walked to the stairway to the dorms. "Hey James, since you share a dorm with her, you can check on her?" Regina sked and he nodded.

< James POV: >

I nodded and went inside the dorm. I heard laughing inside the dorm and opened it. I saw her maniacally laughing until she turned to me. the walls were filled with paper, pins, and red strings including symbols with random drawing. "The heck were you doing while we were gone?" I questioned. "Uh, let's just say I was making 'conspiracies'" She responded. "Uhm, ok? Maybe I can help clean the papers?" I offered. "Yeah, we should, I made too many conspiracies." She laughs nervously. 

We were organizing paper and placed them in the shelves. "Thanks." she said. "No problem." I replied. once we were done organizing the papers all over the place, we went to bed, and she fell asleep really fast then I expected.


Name: Ava 

Pronouns: She/Her

Appearance: She Has green eyes, dark brown hair, a freckle on her left cheek Black hoop earrings, and a yellow turtleneck sweater with a nametag on her. (The sleeves are pulled up to her elbows) She wears black leather wrist length gloves, black tulip skirt, thigh length gold and black socks, and lime-colored sneakers.

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