Chapter 25: Bad idea of using it

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As we walked, I turned around. For a split second, I saw the same symbol flicker red on the floor. My eyes widened, but I shrugged it off.

Also, why was Dr. Carmine there earlier?


<Samurai's POV: >

 It's been about a month 4 months since we've been here and I'm practically going insane. Lately, those laser thingies on the safe zone won't seem to let me. As I was in front of the safe zone, I put my hand out to see if it would let me in. It shocked me and I yelped. "UH OW?!" I yelled. "Still no luck?" Regina randomly blurted which startled me. "Holy shit Regina, you can't just scare me like that!" I demanded. "Whatever. Anyway, I got to talk to you privately in the support cave so there won't be suspicions." Regina pointed to the direction. "Sure, I don't see why not." I replied.

We walked into the support cave and saw tall building structures saying '01,02,03,04, and 05'. "Alright. I noticed some weirds stuff happening, and I wanted to ask you. Are you the cause?" She asked. "Uh..." I stuttered and tried to think of an excuse. "I know you're making an excuse, and I can tell if you're about to lie." She blurted crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. "...OK FINE I'VE BEEN USING IT, BUT ONLY BECAUSE IT SEEMED REALLY COOL AND IT FELT LIKE AS IF IT WANTED ME TO USE IT IM SO SORRY PLEASE DON'T WHOOP ME WITH YOUR BAT AND SWORD!!" I closed my eye to prepare for being assaulted.

 ".... Ok like I said before ITS GONNA MAKE YOU BE FERAL AND CAUSE CHAOS!" She yelled. "Sorry-" I then was interrupted by a black hole appearing in my hand. I started hyperventilating and we both panicked. "WHAT DO I DO?!" I yelled and it was turning bigger "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO-" It exploded ad we fell on the concrete. We weren't hurt, but a couple scratches and covered in dust. "*Cough* *Cough* This is what happens if you use it." She said choking on dust. "Yeah, I agree now..." I replied. "Don't try using it, it's going to cause chaos like all those *Cough* years ago." Regina said.

"Let's just *Cough* get cleaned up." I replied. We walked in her dorm and saw Alice and Michael talking. "REGINA AND SAMURAI?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" Alice exclaimed. "Uh...There was a gootrax and we got distracted and then it punched both of us?" Regina said for an excused. "OK, well when James and Sam come back, we're going to kill some horde of Partyena's that'd been causing trouble. want to come?" Alice offered.

"Sure." Me and Regina agreed. "Alright let's go there waiting for us in the cafeteria which they said texting me!" Michael exclaimed. Me and regina looked at each other and shrugged. We went to the cafeteria and saw James and Sam arguing at Ava. "WELL AT LEAST I'M NOT A BOY WHO WHERES SUNGLASSES THAT PLAY STUPID OLD GAMES AND WEARS STUPID BLINDFOLDS!!" Ava yelled at one of them. "WELL AT LEAST I'M NOT-" James was interrupted by me saying "GUYS THATS ENOUGH BITCHING AROUND. AVA GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!" I shrieked at them with the same weird voice I had a week ago.

They were shocked. "Ok bye!" Ava exclaimed in fright and ran. "Samurai, what was that?" James exclaimed while everyone was shocked from the outburst. I shook my head and replied "Uh...I don't know don't ask me." I shrugged. Everyone looked at each other then looked at me. "Ok. Let's go find these partyena's. Like I always say, we'll discuss this later." Alice commanded.

Why did I outburst like that? I hope I wasn't too harsh.

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