Chapter 26: A PARTY OF HYENA's?!

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Why did I outburst like that? I hope I wasn't too harsh.


<Samurai's POV:>

We ran to the North sector and saw a big group of partyena's. We froze and they looked at us. "AWW THERE SO CUTE!!" Michael exclaimed. "There not what they seem." Alice replied. They grinned and all of them pulled out a party hat. "In three we'll attack." Regina whispered. "1....2....3!!" Regina screamed and they ran toward us. We attacked them as fast as we could, and they attempted to grab us. One of them hit my hand and my weapon fell to the ground.

I went to grab it, but it kicked it aside. James went in front of me and hit it. It made a confetti noise. "H-HEY! NO FAIR!!" The partyena yelled.  "I don't care." James mumbled and he hit it again. Wait, how does he understand? I got up and ran up to my weapon. I started to feel a burning feeling in my right arm.

"SAMURAI PAY ATTENTION FOR GODS SAKE" Sam yelled. "OK GEEZ" I replied. We killed the partyena's. I felt another pain in my hand, but I shook it off. "Thats all guys. Let's go to bed, it's like 10:45." Alice looked at her watch.

 " Anything for you Al!" Michael exclaimed. "I hate that nickname., but whatever." Alice mumbled. We walked toward the stairway to the dorms and the burning sensation in my right arm. "You alright?" James asked. "Oh yeah I'm fine!" I gave a thumbs up. We walked to each of our dorms and wave at each other. Me and James went inside, and you know it, COMPUTER.

I went to my bed and check to see if anything was there.




Then a black substance covered up to my wrist with turned into a claw. "AAAAA" I jumped out of my bed which James got startled. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" James yelled. "UHH NOTHING" I covered my hand. He looked at what I was covering. "Let me see your hand." He raised an eyebrow.





My eyes widened. "Sorry but show me." He demanded. "Ok yeesh!"  I exclaimed. I came up to him and pulled up my sleeves. he inspected it and said "Let me guess. You used it didn't you?" He asked. "FIRST REGINA NOW YOU?! OK IT LOOKS COOL AND SO I USED IT AND NOW THESE RANDOM BLACK HOLES COME UP, I GET A TEMPER, AND NOW THIS WEIRD BLACK CLAW THINGY ON MY HANDS!!" I yelled. "Be quiet1 some people might here you!" He whispered. "Sorry?" I apologized.

"Alright so subjects-" I interrupted him and said, "WAIT I'M GONNA BE A SUBJECT?!" I exclaimed. "Be quiet!" He whispered. "Oh ok." I replied. "So anyway, some lavinax users often wear these grey gloves so their hands won't end up like yours." He went to the closet and brought them out. It was wrist length grey gloves and I frowned because I thought it'd look cool. "Ok." I took it from his hand, and I put them on. "THANKS JAMES HOW COULD I NOT DO ANYTHING WITHOUT YOU!" I lunged on him and burst out with James. "Samurai...Your..." I realized I was crushing him. I turned red and yelled. "SORRY!!" I YELLED IN EMBARASSMENT.

"Your fine..." He replied looking away with crossed arms. Regina bashed the door and yelled, "CAN YOU GUYS KEEP IT DOWN ITS LITERALLY 1:15 WE'RE TRYING TO-" She then saw the grey gloves I was wearing. "Sorry not sorry." She closed the door. "Welp, I'm going to go to bed, Goodnight!" I yawned and he waved. I looked at his bed and saw a picture frame with Regina but with glasses, Him without white hair tips including no blindfold, and an unknown person with a nametag, 'Alina'

Wait...Didn't I hear a person named Alina in that dream?

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