Chapter 17: Legion of doom?

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(Not too long ago, I drew there appearance so in the future I might show it. Also, I got to warn you, there's an inappropriate part that Regina does so yeah just saying a heads up its slightly cringe so I'm sorry Shes like that)


I was scared. There's no cure for it. I'm stuck like this. How will I know I won't become one?


*2 weeks after the incident*

~ Samurai's POV: ~

It had been 2 weeks since the incident, and the good thing is that I don't look like one of those lavinax thingies except for Jagged canine teeth, and eyes turning red when looking at a mirror then it shatters. Regina told me i won't like one of them only I turn into one when something triggers me. As I was exploring around, saw a couple gootrax but they didn't see me, I heard the speaker saying, "Attention all staff, please come to the cafeteria for lunch break." Haven't heard the lunch speaker in ages.

As I walked in the cafeteria, there was split lines for the food. There were guards commonly and a couple medic and scientists, but there rare to see them. As I got in line, the line moved pretty quickly as I thought. As I got first to the line, the lunch lady said, "What would you like?" She said in a gloomy and 'I hate my life, kids, and job' tone of voice. 

"Oh uh, *Clears throat* One pepperoni pizza, and bloxy cola." I stuttered. The lunch lady turned around and gave me the food and drink. I walked to where everyone was sitting, and sat between James, Alice and Michael. In front of us was Regina, Sam, And Kamila. "Kamila, I didn't know you would be sitting with us." I exclaimed. "Well, you guys are practically the only people I talk to and yeah. Also, not to brag or be random, but Weapon dealers get more luxurious food plus $90 dollars per hourrrr!~" The thing she lastly said sounded opera.

"Well, I'm finished with my food, so I'll be going back to the shop. Bye guys! Bye guards! Bye Medics! And Farewell Scientists!!" She said out loud in a joyful voice. "BYE KAMILA!" Everyone including me said that out loud. Damn, she's popular.

"We've been pretty distant lately guys." I blurted out. "Yeah, ever since the lavinax incident, we have been!" Michael exclaimed. "Maybe we can kill some gootrax?" Regina questioned and we all agreed. "First, we should finish our food." Alice stated. 

(Time skip to after eating)

We went to grab our weapons, and we went to the garden cause that's where gootrax are commonly found, especially Azarues. As we went to the garden, we saw a legion of gootrax. I counted and I got...28?!?! "Well, we're fucked." Sam blurted out, and they all turned to us. "Bad idea to say. RUNNN!!!" I screamed and we ran. "WHY THE CRUMB ARE THERE SO MANY?!" Michael shrieked. "OH YEAH PROBABLY BECAUSE THERES ALWAYS A LOT YOU DUMB BITCH!! NO SHIT!!" Regina screamed at him, and he was shocked.

As we got to the crystal cave, we all tried to catch our breath. "Did... did we lose them?" Alice said catching her breath "No clue..." James said while he also was catching his breath. "It's no use. There's too much and we will probably get infected in a blink of an eye! "Michael said negatively. "Guys, we shouldn't be running." I blurted out. "Oh yeah? What do we do to 28 gootrax which we would be infected automatically?" Regina sarcastically said.

"Well, we all have strong weapons do we not?" I said in a 'Are you dumb?' tone and everyone nodded. "Like, James has a toxic katana, Alice has an archangel guitar which for some reason makes her levitate when playing it, Regina has a solitaire sword which got repaired, Michael has a cool red batsaber which gives us chances to defeat a gootrax, And Sam has a really cool amethyst crystal gasher!" I said in a president like speech, and everyone was staring at me.

"What I'm saying is, we have a chance to stop them. So, let's go back there and fuck them up!!! Who's with me!?" I raised both my arms up, and everyone was processing what I said. "She has a good point." Michael agreed. "Yeah, Shes right!" James also agreed. "Samurai, you may be stupid sometimes, but you have godamn good ideas!" Regina exclaimed and I frowned. We stared at Sam and Alice waiting for their response. "Let's go back" The two simultaneously said and one of us cheered while one of us did a quiet cheer since some of us are introverts. 

We went back to the garden and saw the legion of gootrax. A gootrax who I presumed to be the leader turned to us and said, "Well, Well, Well, the humans are back Ey?" The gootrax said. "Hey guys, I think I can understand them..." I said in a concerned tone. "It's normal for half or full Lavinax to understand them DUH!" Regina said in a 'It's obvious dumbass' Tone. "Time to infect these humans Heheh!" one of the gootrax said pridefully.

"Alright guys. LET'S FUCK THEM UP!!!" I yelled. 

(Time skip to after the battle)

All the gootrax were on the floor presumed dead. "W-We did it...WE FINALLY DID IT" Michael cheered and was jumping around. I could've sworn Alice was smiling at him. "Now, lets go to the infirmary for some bandages." Everyone looked at their injuries. As for mine, my injuries for some reason.

"Not for mine-" I said in a 'I'm screwed' voice. "Oh yeah, a part of Lavinax's abilities ☝" Michael replied. "Don't worry about it, not like you're going to be doomed and kill everyone heheh-" Alice laughed nervously as I raised an eyebrow. We went to an automatic door which is the stairway to our dorms. Me and James share a dorm (Don't you fucking be sexual Samurai is ace) Alice and Regina, and then Michael and Sam.

As we got to the dorms (Which has 5 floors) I was in between Regina and James. Regina gave me a smug face and she came to my ear and said "So, you share a bedroom with James Ey?" She raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Uhh yeah? why are you asking?" I questioned. I looked down and made a hand gesture which means- HOLD UP OH NO SHE DID NOT DO THAT GESTURE. "WHAT THE FUCK REGINA?!" I screeched and everyone looked at me.

"You, ok?" Alice questioned. "Please don't tell me she did that hand gesture-" Sam said disgusted. "WHAT?? IT'S FUNNY" She yelled. Me and James went to our dorm and the next thing he went to be the computer. I was staring at me like 'You're going to get brain damage' face. "It's rude to stare." He said clicking on the mouse. "Oh, sorry." i said turning red in embarrassment.

There are four bunkbeds on the right and left side and what's ridiculous is that you only get one roommate. As I went to the top bunk, I went to my phone and tap on photos. Everyone In Laminax, Ex boyfriend, Childhood friend, I then past a photo and went back. Mom? She wore a similar knit dress like mine, but not the same, she wore grey gloves and on her left shoulder had '06' on it, she also wore the same hat as mine. She died under suspicious circumstances. Now that i think of it.

Did she work here? Has Laminax labs been here longer than I was told?

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