Chapter 7: Who turned out the lights?!?

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"But how will we get out?" I frowned.

"We'll see."


                                                                               *1 week later*

~ Samurai's POV: ~

It had been a week since me and all the employees including my friends had been here. I've been getting closer to my friends and mostly James and Alice. As I was in the Safe zone, I went to go to the bestiary to see all the gootrax. As I was looking thoughout the bestiary, I saw one called, 'Nightcrawler' I was about to tap on it.

 until the lights went out... "Who turned out the lights?!" I yelled. I then heard in the speakers "Sudden disturbance in main facility power grid detected. Please stand by" the speaker said. WHAT DO YOU MEAN PLEASE STAND BY?! "It's a blackout, this happens including power outage, but this one is dangerous." One employee said. I ran to where the cafeteria is since that's where everyone was.

 "GUYS THERE YOU-" they weren't there except for James. "James where is everyone?!" I said anxiously. "Keep it down there going to here you!" He yelled but in a whisper. "Sorry." I said embarrassed. "It's fine. But anyway, everyone is finding some gootrax to kill. They told me to stay so I, could wait for you."

"Oh uh, did you actually wanted to wait for me?" I questioned. "Yeah why? we're friends." He said calmly and raised an eyebrow. "Oh uh, *clears throat* Thanks?" I said and smiled awkwardly. "No problem. Anyways, let's go find the others." He stated and I agreed.

 We went out of the cafeteria, and we heard some swords, bats, and knife slashing, but it was other people fighting gootrax's like Hebi's, wisps, Witchbrews, and Jammers. James stopped, and i asked, "Why did you stopped?" i questioned. "Hold on Lemme try something." James said. I couldn't see what he was doing, but i knew he kneeled down.

~ James POV: ~

"I kneeled down and took off my blindfold. I concentrated to scan all humans and gootrax. I found them! they were battling a Nightcrawler in the crystal cave. I stood up and put back my blindfold.

~ Samurai's POV: ~

I saw him stand up and he said, "There at crystal Cave. Do you have your Head taker scythe?" He questioned. "Yeah, I do. How does it even fit in my bag?" I questioned really confused. "Well, it can change size I guess" (Little head canon lol) He said in a 'How did you not even know' tone. "So uh, we should go to them. We don't want anyone killed." He spoke. "Yeah, I don't want them killed" I laughed nervously. "No, I really mean it." He said seriously. "Right. LET'S GOOO!" I yelled and pointed at the crystal cave. Why was he flustered? Eh, I'll ask him later.

(Sorry if this is short)

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