Chapter 18: HOW DID THEY GET IN??

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Did she work here? Has Laminax labs been here longer than I was told?


~ Samurai's POV ~

Me and everyone were done doing the stuff we've been doing today. Me and James went to our dorms, and we just were doing free time like playing on the computer, and anything you can think of. He was just writing something in his notebook, while I was on the computer, looking at some stuff. "Hey James?" I questioned randomly. "Hm?" He replied. "Can any gootrax possibly get here?" I stuttered. "No, they possibly cannot." He said calmly.

"Oh, alright." I replied relieved. "Besides, it's not like there's going to be an event, and we're all doomed-" When he said that the lights turned red.

"Sudden disturbance in Main Facility power grid detected."

"Successfully initiated Emergency Power grid."

"Please stand by..."

"Well, i should've not jinxed ourselves-" he said to make me not panicked but I'm even more scared. "Well, they won't come...right?" I laughed nervously. "Well, every power outage and blackout lose those laser thingies, so we're doomed." He exclaimed. "WHY ARE YOU SO SURPRISED?! WE MIGHT-" As I was interrupted, we heard a really loud bang which startled us. "Hold on, I'll go see what it is." He said calmly. He then kneeled down, and I was behind him, but I didn't know what he did.

"Well, it's a manic." He said in a 'we're goners' voice. "Wait before I freak out. How did you know?" I questioned. "OH, UHH JUST SOMETHING I CAN DO" He freaked out as if he didn't want anyone to know. I always wondered why he always Wear's a black blind fold.

Then we heard growling and banging. We grab our weapons. It then was quiet. Then the door bashed opened. It had any normal Manic appearance. Hot purple fur, with dark purple accents on its hands and knees, lighter pink crystals in its chest and stomach, it had cyan blue sclera's with a thick, pink iris surrounding their cyan pupils, and cyan blue markings resembling eyelashes under its eyes. I couldn't understand it since it was only growling.

It then pounced at us, and then me and James slashed it in the stomach. It was bleeding goo on its stomach. It healed automatically like when my injuries healed. It then ran to the left side of the dorms were. We then heard a person screaming and saw the manic crawled with something which we didn't know what it was.

"ITS GOING WHERE EVEYONE ELSE IS AT!" I yelled. We ran to where everyone was, and it was already gone. "THANK GOODNESS YOU GUYS ARE OK." I said relieved. "WE GOT ATTACKED BY A MANIC AND HEARD SCREAMING" James said kind of anxious. "Well, there's good and bad news about that-" Michael said very scared. "TELL US THE FUCKING GOOD NEWS FIRST" Me and James screamed simultaneously. "Well, the good news is that none of us were hurt." Alice stated. "Where's Sam?" I asked.

"Well, we were just about to say Sam was taken by it Ms. Who didn't even realized-" Regina said then I said, kind of scary "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE?!- Oh wait that can explain why we heard screaming." I realized. "Alright everyone! We got to find Sam!" Alice said in military voice, and we nodded.

*Before he got taken*

~Michael's POV: ~ 

"Dammit, it's a power outage" Sam mumbled. "Well, the gootrax won't come right?" I hoped. We heard something outside that sounded like something crashed. "Did you hear that?!" I exclaimed. "Don't worry, probably some-" Our door bashed opened and there was a manic. I jumped out of the bunk bed and grabbed my batsaber. I went to attack it, but it snapped in half. "UHHH-" I walked back. It pounced at me I closed my eyes but then I heard Sam screaming and I looked very fast, and he was gone.

"SAMMMM!!!!!!!" I screamed.

*Back to present*

~ Samurai's POV ~

We ran around the laboratory trying to find Sam. "WHERE COULD HE BE?!" Regina screamed. We stopped because Michael stopped. "If I did something...He would've been kidnapped" He cried. I kind of felt bad and awkward at the same time. "Michael don't be such a-" Regina got interrupted by Alice. "It's ok Michael, it wasn't your fault." Alice tried comforting him as me, Regina, and James made a smug face. Michael wiped his tears off his face, and Alice actually smiled saying, "Thats the spirit mike. Let go find him." Alice stated and we agreed. "How will we find where he is?!" James said in frustration.

Then everyone looked at me. "What?" I questioned nervously. "You have the ability to track somebody similar to a hebi, but a little more advanced." James said. "But what if I-" I then was interrupted by Regina. "Look, it'll only be once." Regina said annoyed. "Alright, how doi do it?" I said stupidly. "Try thinking of a person you need to find or something." James replied.

Alright. I thought just like he said, I tried thinking, I SEE HIM. "Guys i see him!" I exclaimed. "ALRIGHT NOW FUCKING TELL US OR I'LL MAKE A RUMOR THAT YOU'RE A LESBIAN!" Regina screeched. "Actually, asexual and straight. But anyway, he's as a cave or some sort." I said annoyed.

"Let's go!" Michael yelled.

When I saw him, I could've sworn there was something on his arm

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