
3 0 0

2 steps forward
10 back

Give and give
For them to take

Show the highs of life
For them to show you the depths of hell

This is a dance I'm all too familiar with
I give my heart
I give my mind
I bare my soul
I make puzzle pieces to complete the other person
But don't worry I get things in return
Another reason to not trust
Another wall
Yet another lesson

You'd think I'd learn my lesson
Having gone through this never-ending dance
But I always step into the ring
Blast the music
Create new moves

Try to make this different from all the other times
But it never is
I wish I could escape this dance
I wish I could stop caring about others
I wish I could be selfish
I wish I could be mean
But it isn't written on my soul
It isn't a part of my DNA

So I keep taking steps
That I'll be able to get ahead
That I'll be able to find the highs I show others
That I'll be able to keep going
Who knows how many dances I will be a part of

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