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Being enough
I know all teenager struggle with
Some worse some better
Some never make it past teen hood because of this
Some deal with this their whole life

I help my friends with feeling enough
I build them up
I show them how I see them
I say what I wanted someone to tell me

I though I could change myself to what you think is enough
Change the way I act
Change the way I talk
But it wasn't enough
So I tried to be the best
Aid you along your way
Accidentally being a crutch

Then you go back on what you say
And I know I'm supposed to just support
And not be selfish
I know all of this
My mind knows all of this
But my heart
Keeps repeating the same phrase
"You weren't good enough"

Why am I expected to just forget all of this?
Why can't I move on?
Why can't I ever be enough?

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