Daddy Issues

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This overused term
Something turned dirty

Its way deeper than any of us realize
It encompasses so much that impacts your day-to-day life
Your love life

Its the getting attached too quickly
To any guy
Who shows you an ounce of kindness
A gesture
A compliment
A thought

Its not the normal amount of attachment
Its hits hard
Happens quick
Without warning
And there isn't anything you can do

The only way to stop the affection
Is to hate them
Is to feel anger whenever you see them

Its the constant overthinking
Needing their attention constantly
To feel wanted
To feel loved
To feel safe

Or you feel like you're nothing to them
Like you are close to being left again

And the worse part is
You are so self aware that this is happening
You know where the path leads
so you distance
Push away
Any guy that comes close to you
Because you can't deal with being left behind again

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