You promised the world
Promised forever
Promised to stay
PromisedI fell for them
Not at first
Because so many others said the same
But slowly
Your words penetrated my walls
As if aimed at my irrational fearsBut I guess I didn't understand that your promises were written in sand
And my fear of not being enough washed them away
Or that when push come to shove, people will actually leave like I say they shouldWithout realizing it
I fell for you
As much as I resisted
You pulled me inYou told me you were falling
And I caught you but couldn't carry you
Yet still you promised that you'd stay
That you'd wait
That you'd
Guess it doesn't matter anymore
But you ran to him
You choose him
HimYou'd think I would've learned my lesson
You say all the right things
Put together and what others broke
I fall
And you go to him
It's always someone elseNow all I have left of you
Are your empty words