As a kid, I was fascinated with yo-yo's
The way people would swing them and create designs
The comical way they swing in animes
I never would've thought I'd be treated like oneForced to swing back and forth
Never good enough for one side
"Too good" for the other
Told romantic things
For it all to be taken away
To swing back towards friends
Then further to strangersI would change myself
Swing faster
Color myself new
Do more
Say more
Stay longer
In the end
All they wanted was
To swing me back and forthAnd the most devastating part of this is
I let them
I saw the patterns in their behavior and let them
Continuously swing me back and forth
At their whimUntil
One day
I finally said enough
Cut the rope
And fell
It's an odd thing
Not swinging
You get used to it
Standing still seems like a trick
Maybe one day
I'll stand tall
Until then I'll sit where I am
Getting used to being still