House Built on Sand

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I've always been naive
Always believed that there is always good in people
Always believed that since I meant every word I said
That they mean there's
Always believed love is a feeling and an action
You choose them everyday
You act upon it and want to listen to the other person
Always believed that one day someone will stay

Foolish I know
People have shown and taught me different from the moment I took my first breath
My dad left
Didn't care
Didn't want to stay
Then friends
I always believed they would have my side
Until they didn't
Countless "lovers"
People who just wanted to get what they wanted
And that was never just me

I swore off love
It had only brought me pain
My ex destroyed me
Almost ended me
Then you showed up
I didn't expect you
I didn't plan for you
But you came nonetheless
You were to funny
And happy
And talkative
You brought me a light
You showed me love
Or at least I thought you did
Instead you showed me yet again that I will never be enough

I changed myself to be better
To match you better
To love you
I worked on communicating
I tried so hard

You made so many promises that I figured you were it
You said you wanted to marry me
To have children
And in the truest notebook fashion
Said you'd build me a house
With a room to paint in
A wrap-around porch
A red door
Lots of land
So much that I began to dream of us in that house
But I guess that house was built on sand
Because the dream crumbled
It feels like I am still in that house
Watching the world go by
While being burned by false promises
Crushed by dreams that will never be fulfilled
I'm hold the corpse of the boy I thought you were
The one I thought I would have a future and family with
I don't want to leave the house
But everyone is yelling at me
Graffiti paints the walls
Tearing down what I thought
What I loved
What I was promised
What was taken away

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