I've always been naive
Always believed that there is always good in people
Always believed that since I meant every word I said
That they mean there's
Always believed love is a feeling and an action
You choose them everyday
You act upon it and want to listen to the other person
Always believed that one day someone will stayFoolish I know
People have shown and taught me different from the moment I took my first breath
My dad left
Didn't care
Didn't want to stay
Then friends
I always believed they would have my side
Until they didn't
Countless "lovers"
People who just wanted to get what they wanted
And that was never just meI swore off love
It had only brought me pain
My ex destroyed me
Almost ended me
Then you showed up
I didn't expect you
I didn't plan for you
But you came nonetheless
You were to funny
And happy
And talkative
You brought me a light
You showed me love
Or at least I thought you did
Instead you showed me yet again that I will never be enoughI changed myself to be better
To match you better
To love you
I worked on communicating
I tried so hardYou made so many promises that I figured you were it
You said you wanted to marry me
To have children
And in the truest notebook fashion
Said you'd build me a house
With a room to paint in
A wrap-around porch
A red door
Lots of land
So much that I began to dream of us in that house
But I guess that house was built on sand
Because the dream crumbled
It feels like I am still in that house
Watching the world go by
While being burned by false promises
Crushed by dreams that will never be fulfilled
I'm hold the corpse of the boy I thought you were
The one I thought I would have a future and family with
I don't want to leave the house
But everyone is yelling at me
Graffiti paints the walls
Tearing down what I thought
What I loved
What I was promised
What was taken away