Chapter 1: Awkward

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January 12, 2013-today is Zayn's birthday! Zayn is my best friend and recently he got on tour with a band named One Direction. Call me a loser, but I'm not really a fan of music so I'm not updated with latest bands and stuff. Zayn has a really good voice and he looks good as well; he has ink-blank hair and hazel eyes that will totally weaken every girl's knees.

I made Zayn a CD mix of his favorite songs but they were all sang by me. I don't have the greatest female voice; in fact, I don't really sing well but it's the effort that's important to Zayn and I'm sure he'll just laugh about the whole thing.

So now I'm on my way to Oregon, where Zayn's recently built house is. It's just a 30-minute drive from my place so I didn't really rush my prep time. I wore a tight, black, thoroughly sequined dress with an inappropriately low V-Cut at the back that would might get me a drink or two tonight. I wore red sky-high stilettos that matches my bloody red purse and wore a smoky eye makeup with a red lipstick. Yes, I definitely look hot tonight. I say to myself in front of the mirror. Same with Zayn, I have brown eyes as well and long black hair and topping all of them with my tan skin.

So how did I meet Zayn? We went to High School together and got closer as time went by. He and I used to be outcasts, but maybe we were just meant to be friends with each other because there was this time when I was left alone at the gym and he came by, wanting to play ball alone.

"What are you doing here?" he says. 

"Isn't it obvious? Nothing." 

He laughs and extends his hand to me, "I'm Zayn." 

I shake his hand, "Dianne," and smile. 

Zayn's house was nice, an average-sized front yard where he could easily grill barbecues, a spacious, cream-colored door that looks as welcoming as the "welcome" mat below it, and a huge tree house beside the grill.

The moment I arrived at Zayn's house, security already interrogated me, they endlessly asked my name, why was I there and what was my affiliation with their rock star, Zayn. Those were the moments I wish Zayn was with me, I hate interrogations.

Zayn's ear-to-ear grin was the first thing I saw when I entered his living room, "Dianne! So nice of you to make it!" That's one British accent I will never get tired of hearing. His warm accent wrapped around my name like a plush, velvet towel. "Glad to be here. Happy birthday, love!", I said, matching his smile. He hugged me tight as I gave him my embarrassing gift and I discreetly asked him not to have anyone listen to it. It was for his ears only, after that, he showed me to another room where, according to him, "the party really starts". Straight across his vast, decorative living room is another white door with golden carvings of art on its side. He opened the door and loud music bursted through my ears, a swarm of people were rhythmically dancing to the beat. It surprised me, though, I don't know anyone in this room! It made me want to chick-punch Zayn for not telling me the people who were invited tonight. None of our mutual friends were here. Ugh, Zayn being Zayn.

After a while, I decided to let it go because it was the poor guy's birthday after all. I let myself go and enjoyed the music with a little booze. When the music artfully morphed into Titanium, I seriously lost it. As I was dancing with all my energy left, warm hands started crawling around my waist and I felt a body started moving with me. His accent was unfamiliar, but it sounded Irish or maybe British. "You dance good" was all I heard the guy say. I didn't care to look back, though, but I saw his wrist wearing a black bracelet. Alcohol seemed to get the best of me so I decided to ignore the guy behind me, and being the "drunken girl" that I am, I ground my perfect behind up his length and sexy danced. Surprisingly, he was responding. His responses made me feel carefree, unlike the normal me who's usually shy. So we went on with the heated tease for about a few minutes more.

When the party was nearing its end, I turned and find Zayn to bid my goodbye. I found him dancing with a pretty blond girl and he looks so into her, I instantly felt shy in approaching him because he looked busy. But in seeing me, he gestured to the girl, asking her to wait. Zayn turned his back to the girl and approached me.

"Whoa, Dianne! How many did you drink tonight?" He asked, clearly surprised. "Just a few, I can still go home", I slurred. "No", he said; and it's clear to me that I'm not going anywhere but here tonight, "you're staying here with me and the band, I think you guys haven't been formally introduced", he added. "But what about the rooms, Zayn? Where will I sleep?" I asked, clearly not wanting the idea. I hated being around too many guys. "I'll find a way, there are still a lot of spare rooms in this house, you know. And don't speak like tonight's the first time you'll sleep here.", he said. And yes, it wasn't the first time I slept in his house; I was fond of sleeping with Zayn because he's one of those guys who really respect me. For the nth number of times we'd slept together, nothing happened, but this time is different; there were more guys and I don't even know them. "Okay. Then I'll go to your room for now and rest, I'm beat. Happy birthday again!", I sleepily said and turned my back to him. "Sure, thanks! See ya in a while!", he shouted. I had to sloppily shove my way to reach Zayn's room and when I opened it, I was glad to see that it was the total opposite of the room downstairs. While it was dark and smelly down there, this room had a plush, king-sized white bed waiting in the middle and bright white crystal chandeliers hovering above the tiger-furred carpet, just below the bed. The wallpaper isn't bland, it had music notes and lyrics as design and it instantly made my dizzy head relax. I still can't remove that guy from my head. he sounded sexy as hell, but what are the odds I'll meet him again, right? With that final thought, sleep took me.

It wasn't long until I felt a finger poking my exposed shoulder. "Dianne, wake up. I need you to meet my band! Say what they're like.", he said, obviously excited. I groaned as I cracked one eye open to glare at Zayn for disturbing my "beauty" sleep. "Can't they wait until tomorrow? What time is it?", I weakly asked. "Sorry. They've been dying to meet you! It's 4am.", he said, sounding a bit worried. "Zayn, it's freaking dawn! Good thing it's officially your birthday today or I will rip your head off! Where are they?", I asked. Zayn let out a husky laugh and said "they're on the other room. Niall actually claimed this room along with the guys the moment they arrived here but since I saw that you had your body spread across the bed, I told them that it looks like they're not going to sleep here after all." Zayn laughed again. I smiled at that thought too, poor Niall. Whoever he is.

Zayn helped me up and led me to the next room, the moment I entered, I already heard someone say "So this girl's the one responsible for us sleeping in a newly constructed room?" In a joking way, but with the same accent as Zayn. I looked over to his direction and saw a somewhat slate green-eyed, curly-haired and undeniably charming guy smile at me. "That's Harry. He's really that annoying." Zayn said matter-of-factly. "Yeah, Harry, you suck" another guy jokingly said and threw a popcorn at him. I looked over and saw a shaved guy smiling at me, he's charming too! "That's Liam." Said Zayn. "That's Louis", Zayn pointed to a guy staring at me, and with the same accent as the rest of the guys, he said, "You're hot". "Thanks, you are too!" I said and meant it.

"Why am I always introduced last?!?" Said the guy at the left most corner, he's eating chips and he's the only one who has the different accent among the others and I immediately thought about the name that Zayn mentioned earlier, and just like my thoughts were being read by him, he said "Yeah, That's Niall". All I could do was stare at his adorable face, shaggy blond hair and ocean-blue eyes. Another thing caught my attention though, his bracelet. It was similar to the guy I danced with just hours ago. He stared at me too, like he knows me. After a while, Zayn broke the silence and said "so guys, This is Dianne. Dianne, guys". I sheepishly smiled and greeted all of them again, "Hey guys".

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