Chapter 31: What???

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*Niall’s POV*

                I suck at saying stuff…  I spent the entire day helping Julie cook the meals for Dianne’s visitors, and when she told me to prepare the stuff in her room; I began formulating what I was going to say. And I wasn’t able to say anything smart right now; instead I broke down and sobbed like a wimpy bloke. Man up, Niall. Man up! Dianne was still rubbing my back, but I broke away. I want to say something!

                Her brown eyes were searching mine for any clues as to why I’m here, and then she popped the question, “why are you here?” I noticed newly formed tears waiting to fall beneath her eyes. “I thought you were going home back to Mullingar? You tweeted!”

                That made me smile. She was browsing through my tweets… “Dianne…” I coaxed as I caressed her hair, she looked up at me, the tears fell on both her eyes and I wiped them away with my thumb.

I cupped her face and looked into her searching brown eyes as I said, “home is wherever you are, love. It never changed until now, love” I held her gaze, wanting to prove to her that what I’m saying is all true, “when you left I felt like I lost a part of me, I didn’t know what to do, you left me shell-shocked. I didn’t know how to reach you, and Zayn won’t give the slightest clue of your whereabouts and your new number. You drove me nuts, basically” she was about to speak, but I cut her off, “Yes, I did try to move on by uhm, socializing and meeting other people. Liam even set me up on a blind date—it was terrible. I drank myself to death, but all of those never seemed to have made a difference because I am Still. Fucking. In. Love. With. You”

                She broke down and hugged me again, tighter this time. “Niall…” she began, “I… I can’t…” she was holding back her sobs.

                I slowly stroked her back, “shh…” I soothed, trying to calm myself too from the sudden outburst of feelings, “I love you, that’s all what matters.”

                She broke away from the hug and studied me, her eyes red-rimmed from tears. “Please, don’t run away this time…”

                Just as I said those words, Dianne’s fingers were already entangled in my blond locks and she was already tip-toeing as she kissed me—hard. The surface of her lips was a bit salty from her tears. It was a simple kiss at first, but her tongue begged entrance so I let her in and did likewise. Her kissing was non-stop and I could say the same for me.  This moment is just us, nothing else. Her chest was heaving from breathing when we broke.

She pushed me back to the chair I was sitting in before and she didn’t hesitate on straddling me. The feel of her legs dangling between mine seriously turned me on, and her bounteous cleavage was so visible from the V-neck she was wearing. She held both of my shoulders and leaned down for another kiss and I was the one who lunged at her this time. We were hungrily kissing like we haven’t touched each other for days—which is true, so I think it’s a valid reason.

I honestly wanted to make love with her right now… but she has visitors downstairs; whom I invited over. Why did I even invite those blokes and lasses downstairs?  Smart move, Niall. She broke off again and I gave her a satisfied smile, “don’t you have visitors, love?”

Her eyes widened, “shit… I need to dispose of them, don’t you think?” she bit her lip and winked; her gesture was so seductive that it made my hard-on feel even worse.  Her long, dark hair was like a curtain around my face as I look up to her. “Well it’s kind of rude since I invited them over” I casually said.

“WHAT?” her eyes widened from excitement this time, “Oh my God. Niall… why did you do that? Oh my God… I love you. All of this?” she asked, while swaying her hands in front of her, and I knew exactly what she meant: the house. “No, silly. Just the party” she gave me a look that says really? I gave in, “okay, your parents paid for the remodeling, they didn’t want me to pay anymore, said it’s too much. They threatened me, they said they would refuse to give your hand in marriage,” she laughed, I love hearing that deep laugh of hers. “if I pay for the remodeling so what I did was I helped them find great construction workers that would be able to provide great service with the least possible cost…”

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