Chapter 3: The Test

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"Good mornin', babe. Sleep well?" that sexy Irish accent filled the room. I didn't want to wake up from my deep slumber so I just cracked an eye open. "Mornin'. Sleep was good, how about you?" I said. "Slept extra well, mainly because I was entwined with you" he said that with a really seductive look on his eyes and I felt myself heating up again. "Want breakfast'?" I said, trying desperately to change the subject. I do not want to feel like this on an early morning. I can smell bacon and eggs so I figured he already made breakfast because when I glanced around the room, all the guys were sleeping. Their sleep was so heavy; I doubt that a trumpet will wake them up.

"I already made breakfast for us"

"What about the other guys?" I said

"They'll cook for themselves" he said while shrugging them off.

"You're so selfish, you know that?"

“Hey, I made you breakfast too so that doesn’t mean I’m as selfish as you think” he said

I let him win and didn’t answer him. I head down to the kitchen and cook the guys some good food. I made them ham and chicken sandwiches with parmesan bread.

“I want that one too!” Niall said, interrupting my careful attempt at food making. He put on an irresistible pouting face that made me want to forget about my motive and just kiss him.

“You made breakfast, don’t blame me!” I said

“I take it back, make me one too please” He smiled and then batted his eyelashes like a little girl. Could this guy be more adorable?

“Sure.” I dismissed him and made his sandwich extra special without him knowing it, luckily, there’s a Nando’s nearby. I ran as fast as I could and bought a stick of Chicken Espetada. I used that chicken to make Niall’s sandwich. I hope he likes Nando’s! It was the only restaurant that serves main dishes at this early time. It’s only 9AM and other restaurants refused to sell main dishes below lunch time.

It was almost 11AM when the rest of the guys woke up. They were all smiles when they reached the dining table and all of them took a bite at my ham & chicken sandwich. I hope they like it! Harry was simply nodding and producing sounds of happiness when he kept on eating his sandwich, Louis screamed out “Dianne! This is freaking delicious, what did you put in here?” I answered him with a thanks and a giggle. Liam and Zayn both were nodding at each other and smiling as they take a bite from the sandwich. Niall, on the other hand, produced the loudest reaction from them all. “HOLY SHIT GUYS! My chicken is Nando’s!”, he took a bite from all of their sandwiches and in the end he said “Only mine had Nando’s in them?! I love you, woman!” he was beaming like a child who got an A+ at his test when he stared at me and I couldn’t help a laugh. I was lucky, Niall loved Nando’s. I ate the bacon and eggs Niall had made earlier, poor thing, nobody seemed to notice it.

I was planning on going home and change and shop today after I made them breakfast. I was about to took a shower when Niall came up to me and said “how did you know I love Nando’s?” he asked, curious. “I was actually planning on getting something better for you so I scavenged the streets for restos, the only one that was serving non-breakfast meals before lunch was Nando’s so I decided to give it a go. Glad you liked it!”I said. “Oh so it was destiny then; that you happen to go to the restaurant that I loved the most…” he said with an approving smile on his face.

“I guess so. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to take a shower and go home today.”

“What? Why?”

“Uh, because I don’t live here?” I look with an isn’t-it-obvious face at him.

“Aren’t you going to stay with us for a while until we leave for the next tour?” he insisted

“No. I have other plans”

“Like what?”

“Shopping and training”

“I’ll take you shopping. I’ll train with you” he still insisted

“You don’t even know what I’m training for”

“Whatever that is, I’ll train with you”

“You can’t train synchronized swimming with me” I laughed

“Except that. I’ll watch you!”

“No, Niall. There are things that are better done alone”

“Okay then I’ll fucking raise my legs with you. Your call if I drown though”

“No. Just stay here with the guys, Niall.” I said.

“I want to be near you, every time. We’re leaving in less than a week.”

“And I’m concerned about this, why?”

“Zayn’s your best friend”

“He is, and we’ll skype and text whenever there’s idle time” I said, clearly testing his patience.

“Okay then, I won’t come with you. BUT, give me your number” he insisted


“Don’t you like me?” he asked. And trust me; he looked really gorgeous with his bed hair, blue eyes and braces.

“No” Yes. I’m just too afraid to admit that yet.

“Oh… okay then. Have fun shopping” with that, he left me without saying another word. I felt guilty and sad and hurt with what just happened. What the fuck am I doing to myself? I shrugged it off and went on with my original goal: to shower.

I took a quick shower, 15 minutes, maybe. I got dressed quicker than it normally took me. And I packed the things I left scattered last night, I cleaned Zayn’s room too, guys can be lazy sometimes and he might hate me for leaving his room out of order. After I found my way downstairs, Zayn, Harry, Liam and Louis were playing 2k13 on Zayn’s Xbox and huge flat screen TV. No sign of Niall. I hope I didn’t hurt him.

“Hey guys, I’m going to go now. Guess I’ll see you all soon before you leave Oregon!” I called out. Zayn stopped his game and came over to hug me “It was nice having you over, Dianne! Come again anytime you want, just text me. Love ya!” he kissed my cheeks as he hugged me and I instantly felt watery eyed. “Happy birthday, love. I wish you all the best!” I said. And added, “hey did you see Niall somewhere? Just going to bid goodbye to him”

“Ah, he went out, said he wanted to go grab some fresh air. He looked sad though. Something happened?” Zayn asked, with pure concern on his face.

“Nah. It was no big deal, I’ll take care of it, now go back to your game, player!” I plastered my smile again and heard the other guys simultaneously shout out “Bye, Dianne! Thanks for the tasty sandwich!”

I was about to put everything in my car when I saw Niall jogging towards the house. He had ear-buds on and looked in my direction; the sight of him jogging was undoubtedly hot. He was wearing a grey sweater with matching pants and was sweaty all over. Hot. I was expecting him to look forlorn, but instead, he smiled and waved casually like nothing happened earlier. I felt sad that he forgot about it so easily. Maybe my assumption was right, I was nothing more than a fling to him. I stashed the remainder of my stuff angrily in my car. I was mad at him for not taking me seriously and mad at myself for always expecting the best out of everything, that sucked so much. 

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