Chapter 33: Aussies

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Niall and I arrived at Melbourne yesterday, and now we’re headed to Sydney. Niall arranged for a car rental when we arrived so he’d left his Audi back at the house. I texted Cary and Zayn that I might be meeting them next week when we come back and both of them wished us a happy trip. Niall dropped me off the day before we left so I could spend the night with my parents, they both were smitten about Niall and loved the fact that we got back together, especially Dad! I don’t know what gotten into him. Jonathan, on the other hand, still envied Niall. He probably just doesn’t like the fact that his little sister is now with another guy besides him. I promised him new sports attire when I get back to make-up with my shortcomings.

Niall’s iPhone beeped in my bag and I rummaged through the god forsaken thing to fish it out, the sender’s name read: Ellen DeGraw. Niall muttered a curse before opening it.

“Shit” he said, putting the phone back in my bag, “they need us back within this week. We were supposed to report not until next week” he shook his head as he spoke.

I honestly didn’t know what to do; luckily, there was an ice cream shop nearby, I strolled towards the confectionery shop and got him two scoops of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey. He brightened up at my gesture, but his face was grumpy as he licked the ice cream. I gave him a sideward hug and inhaled his manly, freshly laundered, Niall scent.

Niall didn’t bring security, so we tried to stay at the place with the least possible people, but back at the airport, he was in his usual self, signing autographs, taking photos, and talking with fans. I can’t help but adore him from afar as I wait for him to finish.

And then Niall sat on the nearby bench and spoke, “I booked two tickets for Ireland after we finish with Australia.”

I gasped, “what?! You already booked a flight??”

He nodded, “we’re leaving supposedly after four days”

I felt both happy and adamant at the same time, “Niall, don’t make those huge plans without hearing my side first”

He just looked at me and I instantly felt guilty. He was already feeling bad about this; I don’t need to push it at him any further. I wrapped my arm around his waist and leaned into his chest, taking in his scent once again. “I’m sorry, we’ll reschedule. We’ll fix it.”

We got back to the hotel and I instantly flipped open Niall’s Macbook and entered his passcode. “You should rest, I’ll take care of everything, just leave the necessary passwords here” I tapped the right side of the bed, just beside my thigh.

Niall grabbed Sofitel’s complimentary notepad and pencil and scribbled the passwords to his account. My heart softened at his passcodes. One is: DianneRobmyerLov3sme! He’s still corny…

“I’ll just make some calls” Niall said and stepped out of the suite. I nodded, as if he could see me and continued on e-mailing British Airways and requesting for a last minute rescheduling.

Luckily, they replied as quickly as I sent the e-mail. Four passengers from the flight IR 654 rescheduled, that flight leaves the day after tomorrow; thereby opening a slot for us. But the seats were dispersed; there aren’t any two adjacent seats. That would be a problem.

I was biting at the end of the pencil, staring at the seat plan, pleading for divine intervention… nothing. Then Niall emerged from the door. He looked a bit lost and flustered, but his mood changed when he saw me biting the end of the pencil. I was only wearing silk-thin pajamas since the blankets were electric. He almost knocked his Macbook off of the bed as he roughly shoved it aside, and in one swift maneuver, he was on top of me.

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