Chapter 28: Indecisive

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“Zayn, I’m sorry I can’t go there right now. I’m still in Plymouth. I’m going back in Hertfordshire later today and I’ll come visit him then.” I said through the phone. Zayn texted me last night that Niall was slightly hit by a speeding car last night; he landed on his left elbow which was harshly fractured even before Louis and Zayn came rushing to his rescue. He never told me the reason why, though.

“Okay, Dianne. I’ll see you then? Niall’s sleeping now. Do you want me to wake him up?” Zayn whispered. I shook my head, even though he can’t see me. “No, Zayn. Don’t. Let him rest. I’ll update you with my whereabouts later” I finally told him, “okay, Dianne.” Zayn was all kinds of seriousness as he hung up. The hand that was holding my phone sagged and landed on my legs. I sat in the edge of Tom’s bed as he stirs side to side. We’ll be leaving after a few hours, and back to Hertfordshire for the closing ceremony.


Last night


I just stared at Tom, who’s probably dying from all the anticipation. “Well? Are you going to say something?” He finally said.

“I don’t know, Tom. I mean, I like you a lot, really. But I just think that we need to spend more time together, you know, to get to know each other more” I smiled, and Tom brightened up. “Oh yeah, sure. It’s okay with me” he flashed me his best grin and continued eating his Beef Lasagna.

Just as I was almost done with my meal, my phone rang. It was Niall.

“Hey, Niall” I answered, and Tom immediately stiffened.

“No, this is Zayn. Where are you now, love? You need to go here. Niall’s in the hospital”

I stopped chewing my food and my eyes instantly widened. “What? Oh God. I can’t go… I’m not in Hertfordshire now. What happened?”

Zayn took a while before speaking. “Niall was slightly hit by a speeding car. He fractured his knee and elbow from the impact”

Tom looked worried, but he has no idea what we were talking about, so I signaled for him to wait. “Oh my God...” I bit my lip so hard I felt as if it’s going to bleed, “Tomorrow, I’ll update you tomorrow. Take care of him please.”

“I will. Okay, Dianne.” Zayn hung up and I lost my appetite.

“What’s wrong?” Tom finally spoke.

“It’s Niall. He’s in the hospital”

“Oh… I’m sorry. I hope he’s okay” Tom looked fairly disappointed too. We finished our meal and headed home immediately. I can’t think straight.

Tom left me without a word as we got home so I could change into my night clothes. I don’t know why Niall’s condition still concerns me, but then again, it’s his condition at stake here.

Tom reentered his room, and right on time, I finished changing. “I’m sorry, Dianne” Tom said. “Do you want to talk about it or do you want to sleep?” He offered.

“I think I just want to sleep, Tom. I’m sorry” Tom’s smile faltered as he headed sat on his bed and crossed his legs. I immediately felt guilty, so I rushed over to him and gave his cheek a quick peck.

“I’m sorry. I was just shocked by the news. But for the record, this had been the best birthday ever. Thank you so much, love” Tom’s smile came back instantaneously, he slung his arm over my shoulders and he pulled me towards him so that I’m resting my head on his chest. “It’s my pleasure. I loved being with you” he smiled down at me, and honestly, it did help me relax more until I let myself dream of happy dreams.

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