Chapter 6: Just Friends

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"I just can't believe how fast I fell for him, Cary" I said. Cary was all ears when I spilled out my rants about Niall.

"Well, let's count the reasons why and how..." Cary gave me her trademark smirk and carried on "he's undeniably hot, adorable, sweet, cute, handsome, nice, foodie..." she went on with endless praises about Niall. Cary ended with, "oh wait, he's also an Irish rock star who happens to be head over heels for you. So I just can't see any reason for you not to like him back"

Well damn, she was right. But even if I liked him back, he will leave eventually... in less than a week, to be exact. What will become of me once he leaves? Maybe I'll end up as a crazy woman ranting along the streets about how amazing it had been being with Niall. I can't establish a strong feeling for him because when he leaves, I'll break down and wear my pink wallowing PJs for a week, while using up two boxes of Kleenex, and eating half a gallon of Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream. Yup, that's how happy my life is going to be. As much as possible, I'd like to be just friends with Niall. It's too soon; I've only known him for two days. Maybe we should bond more and share stories about ourselves.

We finished our shopping and I manage to snag a few party dresses from Topshop and Zara at a very good price. We headed to Cary's car and I just stared out the window the whole trip.

I was deep in thought when Cary's voice interrupted me. "Hey daydreamer, we're here." We're inside the humongous house of Zayn once again. The small pillar-like statues in front seemed to welcome us, it's a new addition to Zayn's funky home, Zayn's house has everything; from simple living rooms to party rooms to movie rooms and spare rooms. He has about 4 more undecorated rooms, I wonder where he'll use those. Zayn flashed his friendly smile as he opened the door. Cary screamed a loud HAPPY BIRTHDAY in front of Zayn's face, followed by a huge bear hug and an endless apology because she wasn't able to make it to the party.

Zayn stared flaccidly at the box and I instantly knew why-Zayn hates pink, and this box is all pink. I laughed and playfully punched him on the chest, "Cheer up, Zayn! I bet the one inside will take away that frown!" Zayn opened the small, pink cube and his eyes widened at what he saw. Cary got him a Limited Edition Omega watch; it was what Zayn wanted for a long time but hasn't got the time to buy himself one. It was the Hour Vision Omega from the De Ville collection. Its silver analog glistened as Zayn checked all of its sides; the fresh leathery smell, emanating from the box.

When I went to the vast kitchen to grab some drinks, I saw him. Niall was eating Mikesell's Smoked Bacon chips. Niall, when will I ever see you NOT eating a bag of chips? I sighed and then smiled at the adorable sight before me. He didn't notice me entering, though. He was busy watching a rugby game. When I got closer, blue eyes shot up to mine. He simply held my gaze, and then smiled. "Hey. Sorry to disturb you, just going to get water from the fridge" I said. "Ah, sure...yeah...G-go ahead" he stuttered, and I pondered why. "Will you be sleeping here tonight?" he asked. "No, I'm going back to my apartment. I miss that old place. I haven't been in it for two days" I smiled casually and head back to the living room.

The day passed by like a blur, next thing I know I was driving my pink Honda again, which was also driven by Niall just hours ago en route to Zayn's. A Niall and a pink Honda doesn't mesh very well. I laughed once more as I imagine Niall driving a pink car. Poor guy. After I parked in front of my apartment, I rummaged through the car drawer in pursuit of finding my Ray-Bans. As I was searching, one red, long-stemmed Ecuadorian rose met my eyes. It has a note attached to it that read:

"Thank you for trusting me with your car. I love the smell in here; it will always remind me of you, love. You truly are amazing. -N."

His handwriting was a bit scribbly but I still smiled like an idiot when I read the note over what seemed like a hundred times. I idly wondered where he got the flower. It looked really fresh.

My house is tidy and orderly, like a room service had just cleaned it. I like it that way; it makes me feel like I'm in a hotel. Its interior is composed of the basics: a bathroom with a bathtub, a living room, a kitchen, and my bedroom. I arrived there around 11PM and I hurriedly scavenged for my iPhone and texted the only person I want to be texting right now.

"Thank you for the rose. It will have a special place in my bedroom :-). Goodnight!"

"I wish I was the rose right now. I want to have a special place in your bedroom too. I wish you were here; I can't really sleep without you. I'm not used to hugging Zayn. He snores so loud!"

"Hey. You snore too, you know...? :P"

"I do not. :-(.

"But you do. How would you know you don't snore? You're unconscious..."

"I hate it when you use logic against me, but then again, it's one of the hottest things about you <3"

"Goodnight, Niall. xo"

"Don't sleep, please... Stay up with me for a wee bit longer"

I didn't reply. When I was about to let sleep take whatever's left of my sanity, my phone rang. "Your Song" was my personalized ringtone for Niall. I always feel butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm near him. I must learn to control that.

"What?" I grumpily answered.

"I can't sleep, let me sing to you" and can I just say that his sleepy voice is the sexiest sound that I have ever heard.

"Fine, if you want to sing so bad..." I was really sleepy but I think I could hear his voice before I do.

"I'm broken, do you hear me...

I'm blinded, 'cause you are everything I see.

I'm dancin' alone,

I'm prayin' that your heart will just turn around.

As I walk up to your door, my eyes turn to face the floor,

'Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say...

When he opens his arms and hold you close tonight,

It just don't feel right

'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah...

When he lays you down I might just die inside

It just don't feel right

Cause I can love you more than this, I can love you more than this"

"What song is that from? Is that your part? You sound amazing." I said a bit too fast.

"Nope, it's Liam and Harry's part. It's More Than This, from our Up All Night album. You're not really a fan of music, are you?" he laughed, then continued, "Do you want me to sing you to sleep?"

I instantly wanted him by my side singing all night long. His voice sounds so amazing. "Yes please". With that, Niall sung the entire song entitled Little Things... I think I fell asleep as the song neared its end. I felt a little guilty that I succumbed to sleep while Niall was still singing. It's just that my body refuses to reiterate what my mind was commanding anymore. This sleep was by far the most peaceful one I've had for a long time.

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