Chapter 8: Six Flags

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I love theme parks, but this is the first time I’ve actually been to Six Flags. I’ve been to tons of theme parks, but they’re nothing compared to this one. The loud, but welcoming noise smashed through my ears as we enter the chaotic park hand in hand. Colors of red, white and green with a striped pattern splashed through my eyes as I scanned the roof of the tents around me. I can hear the loud roar of the roller coasters and the eerie squeals of the people in it. The sunlight prickled through my dark brown eyes as were checking each ride, deciding where to hop onto first. Vigorous trees were also firmly rooted on each corner, providing a substantial amount of shade for the children; and red, wooden benches below the shades are waiting for people to sit on them. Game tents are also up; there were shooting, darting, hitting, and kissing booths. Those are just my must-go’s booths but there are tons in here! I made it appoint to myself that we should drop by that last booth before we head home. Truly it was the best theme park around.

As if Niall was reading my mind, he said: “we should drop by that booth before we head home” while directing his lips toward the kissing booth. I felt my cheeks turn beet red as he said those words. He made it seem like we were the only ones in the park, despite the hundreds of people surrounding us. It was extremely loud, and people are distracted by the entirety of the park, which is why Niall went unnoticed, because if girls notice him and asks for a photo, I’ll have my second job after being a cook: a photographer.

Niall was wearing a red flannel shirt, paired with his khaki jeans and plain white Supra. Despite the simplicity of how he dressed himself up, he looked amazing. Heck, he could even enter this park wearing a simple white shirt paired with denim jeans and still look attractive.

Beaming up at him, I asked: “Why did you want to go to a theme park on a first date and not just stick with the casual movies and dinners?” he seemed like he was expecting my question. “I never dig movies and dinners; it’s too awkward. I think I’d just focus on the food during dinners, and I often run out of words to say when I’m with just one girl. Erm, I want to start off loud and end intimate. I hope you don’t mind.” he gave me his signature, knicker-dropping smile and winked. Tomato-faced again, I answered, “Nope, not at all. In fact, I love theme parks too. Movies and dinners are just too ordinary and mainstream for me. I love the fact that you took me here instead of somewhere else”. With that, he let go of my hand and put his arm around my waist and I did the same to him. I could have sworn that by that little intimate act we did, we already caught attention. A few girls were starting to stare at him or me or us, but they were reluctant to approach us.

“So what do we ride first?” I asked as we moved away from the forming crowd.

“Do you want to go through the Haunted Mansion first?” Oh crap, I hated scary things, but with Niall by my side, I think that could change.

“Yeah, sure. I’d love to go” and we’re off. Luckily, there weren’t any long lines in the Haunted Mansion, maybe it really is haunted. I don’t want to find out. “Are you ready?” Niall held my hand so tight that I think it would go numb after we get out from this Mansion. I nodded and we entered.

All I could see is blackness. Everything is pitch black, except maybe some red eyes looking over our direction. There were horrific noises as well. I could hear people screaming and crying. We were walking closely until I realized that there were live people inside too, covered with fake blood and bruises trying to scare away their patrons. One who looked like a legit zombie even tried to chase us and held on to my shirt in a desperate attempt to pull me away from Niall, but Niall successfully hauled me away, hard enough that I bumped into him. This Mansion really is nerve-racking. When I decided I couldn’t take it anymore, I buried my head on Niall’s shoulder and closed my eyes throughout the trip.

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