Chapter 29: No Words

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Tom woke me up and I harshly shhh-ed him away. He was persistent, “Dianne, Zayn and Harry have been calling your phone since 6AM!” My eyes popped open. “What time is it?” I asked, panicky. I was supposed to visit Niall yesterday, but exhaustion preoccupied most of my system, leaving me unconsciously dreaming. “It’s 9AM” Tom said blankly, “I prepared breakfast downstairs. I know how you like pancakes, so there are blueberries in the fridge and orange marmalade on the table. I think there’s—“ I stood up and gave Tom a huge, tight hug. “Thank you so much, Tom! You’re the best.” I was aware that I caught him off guard since his arms weren’t instantly around me as I hugged him. He just reacted after a few moments. “Uh, you’re welcome, Dianne… Really, you can also visit here anytime you want” he said. I broke from the hug and kissed his cheek before I scurried down his stairs. He shouted, “There’s maple syrup in the cupboards!”

I prepared my breakfast and Tom followed after a short while. “So you like blueberries more…” he mumbled. “Nope, just in a blueberry mode today. I like both” I grinned. I finished my breakfast in ten minutes; not very ladylike, I know. But I have to go to the hospital and visit Niall today.

“These pancakes are really good, Tom! Where did you buy them?” I asked as I chew with closed eyes. “Oh, let me see…” Tom acted as if he had an imaginary beard, “oh wait, I cooked them. You were heavily sleeping and I took the liberty to cook you some breakfast since I woke up tad early today” I pinched his cheek, “Aww, Tom the Cook. Thank you so much! Really, I think I wouldn’t be able to do any of these without your help” I said. “Enough of the chit chat, you should get dressed if you’re going to pay prince charming a visit,” His face contorted into something anxious, “don’t worry about your dishes, I’ll do them for today. And come back an hour after lunch since we have to go back to the Arena.” Tom said. I almost forgot we still have a culminating activity to attend to.

I stormed upstairs and put on a white cropped top with something rocker-ish going on with the design, black leather trousers and white low-cut converse. I didn’t apply any make-up, I just put on perfume before heading out. I initially planned on riding a cab but Tom said that the hospital is a bit far from his house and insisted on taking his car. I don’t have a license in London, but Tom insisted that I’m a foreign competitor outside London so they should probably exempt me (I didn’t believe him, but I drove his car anyway).

When I started the engine, I decided to dial Zayn’s number. “Dianne. Where on earth are you? I thought you were going to visit yesterday!” Zayn was speaking rapidly, I don’t know why. “I’m on my way now. I borrowed Tom’s car. I’m sorry! I was just too exhausted last night” I said. “Niall’s looking for you since yesterday…” he slowly said, “his eyes were closed, but he keeps murmuring your name and how you should be there for him.” I could choose to be bitter and forget about Niall, but my instinct tells me that I do need to be there for him. “I’ll call you when I’m near, Zayn. Don’t worry; I’ll drive faster than my usual.” Starting up the engine, I thought about what I’m going to say when Niall gains his consciousness. “Yes, okay. But just be safe, Dianne. Love you” Zayn hung up after my response and I drove away from Tom’s house.

 Tom wasn’t kidding, the hospital really is far. Well, anything farther than what I expected is far enough. I stopped by McDonald’s and bought pancakes and coffee for the lads. I arrived at the hospital after an hour and a half since I kind of got lost when I was near; there were a lot of streets with almost the same name. I spotted the hospital only because there were screaming fans outside. I found a neat parking spot and left Tom’s car there.

As I entered the front door, my nose was welcomed with the smell of medicine and alcohol. Smiling, I approached the front desk. “Hello” the nurse cheerily chirped, “what can I help you with, Ma’am?” I looked around before saying, “uhm where’s Niall Horan’s room?” her face suddenly went from jolly to blank. “For a second, ma’am” she said and turned her back to me. She called another female nurse whose nametag says she’s Melanie. Melanie whispered something to front desk nurse and she faced me again, “Sorry ma’am, fan visits aren’t allowed.” And she smiled again. My jaw dropped. The nerve of this woman is disturbing, doesn’t she watch the news? I just equally returned her smile and turned my back to her. I didn’t leave, instead I dialed a number on my phone, and five minutes later, a haggard-looking Zayn appeared by the hallway entrance to fetch me. He managed to smile, but I could tell that he didn’t sleep for a while. Zayn walked towards front desk nurse and told her, “please call our room next time we have visitors” he smiled politely and the nurse blushed everywhere, now I get why she was so cranky a while ago. “Yes, sir. Sorry, we thought she was a fan” Zayn only nodded and we didn’t fully disappear from public eye, but I couldn’t help it. I hugged him tight and kissed his cheeks. “I’ve missed you so much, love! I brought pancakes” I smiled. Zayn put his arm around me and led me to Niall’s room. He told me along the way that Harry and Liam are taking care of rearranging some of the tour dates and Louis just left to help them, leaving Zayn alone.

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