Chapter 30: Home

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“Arriving in LAX in T-30 minutes” the pilot’s voice aired throughout the plane. Kasey and I left London after spending a solid week with Tom and my teammates. Of course we never let time go to waste, which is why my teammates and I sometimes head to malls and clubs, Tom and I would occasionally go out; and all of us, including Michael and Tom, would usually go out for movies and play arcade games.

The rumors about Niall and I died down and a new one spurred. Tom Daley and Dianne Robmyer were caught dating, kissing, holding hands, and the like.  They were all over the headlines, but knowing that Tom and I still have a long way to go, we decided to give those rumors very minimal importance, because as long as we know what is happening between us, then there’s really no point in succumbing to the risky stories of the tabloids.

Niall eventually recovered and the boys were a lot more hectic that normal, catching up with tour and all. The lads rarely called me, but I understand. Their last concert ended two days ago, and their break started yesterday. Niall never texted nor called me, and the last time I saw him was on the hospital bed, sleeping. I can’t deny that my feelings for him are still intact, because I really am still in love with him. But after spending an ample amount of time with Tom, my feelings are slowly shying away from Niall.

As promised, I told my teammates after the culminating activity what happened between Tom and me when we went to Plymouth, and they, including Kasey, agreed on one thing and one thing only: that I should consider Tom as my boyfriend. He did court me, but I don’t know if his offer still stands after everything that happened. They all fantasized about how great Tom and I would be as a couple, but long distance relationships suck, at least for me. I want to be able to see, hold, and kiss him every time, but distance would make that impossible.

After the culminating activity, my teammates’ belated birthday presents were also given when we arrived in the hotel. Clarissa gave me a scrapbook of all the fun times we had, even the tickets of the events that we both went to are in it.  Haydee gave me a new routine suit! It instantly became my favorite since the colors were an exquisite blend. There are black, gold, white, and maroon going on. Most parts of the suits were skin toned, which made the suit a bit revealing, only covering my extremities. It looked like the suit hugged the bountiful curves I have and it was awesome!!! Camille gave me a new coat from Burberry (her dad’s the owner, by the way), and the others gave me blouses, iPhone cases, and dresses.

Tom on the other hand, never opened up his feelings for me again. But it shows whenever he sees that I’m not in a good mood or if I’m just plain sad. His farewell highlighted his feelings for me, but he never gave further exemplification. The night before I left, Tom asked me to come over to his flat; the moment I opened the door, the whole house bursted, all yelling “SURPRISE”. All of the friends I’ve made in London were there… and Tom was responsible for everything. That’s not all, when the party subdued, Kasey went back to the hotel along with my other teammates, but I asked Tom if I could spend the night there.

“Yeah, of course, Dianne” he answered. I climbed up to his room I don’t even want to reminisce on the look of my face when I saw white and red rose petals strewn all over his room; when I approached his bed, there was a statement formed only by red petals, “Goodbye, I will miss you” and a velvet box beside the words. As if on cue, Tom already had his arms around my waist and he nestled his chin on my shoulders, near the base of my neck. “Don’t go, stay with me” he said as he slowly swayed me side to side.

I rested my cheek on his head and murmured, “I can’t”. Tom lifted his eyes to meet mine and I gave him a soft peck on the lips. “Open it”, Tom handed me the navy blue, velvet box. I opened it and there lied a silver bracelet with a pendant studded with tiny diamonds. The pendant is a girl doing the ballet leg position; one leg up, the other one is aligned with the upper body, forming a 90 degree angle. It was perfect. I wore it right away and gave Tom a kiss once again. Tom placed his right hand on my cheek and used the other to lay me down on the bed. Once we were settled, he broke away from the kiss and I removed his white tee shirt, revealing his annoyingly perfect body.

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