Chapter 26: New Beginning...?

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The lads didn't go today, so I'm stuck on the bleachers with Kasey. Some of my teammates' solos were scheduled today, so they're prepping up in the dressing room. Also, Tom's competition is today so I'll be watching. I promised him yesterday while we were in Starbucks that I'll go. On the side note, Louis informed me earlier that they will be going to the studio before their concert somewhere near our Arena. Great, just my luck. He said they might do a recording session first, but they'll surely be scolded by Ellen for bringing an overly-drunk Niall. He’s “out of his wits” according to Louis. It peeves my brain about the fact that my heart still longs for Niall, though. I don’t even know what to do after the competition.

Tom's dive is not until three hours, he’s probably still sleeping somewhere in this arena due to the lack of sleep we had last night.




"And that marks the end of today's competitions! May I advise all athletes to go back to their hotels and get a good night's rest before another event tomorrow. That would be all, have a good evening" the announcer said. In less than a minute, Tom was already standing beside me and I didn't even notice him. "So how's about that cup of coffee you owe me?" He smirked. He's so adorable, can I just say.

"I'm going to teach Michael first, remember?" I half-smiled and we headed to the pool. Michael was already there with Camille. "So, are you up for the challenge, big boy?" I teased, but Camille looked suspiciously at me so I stopped. Michael came to me and slung his heavy arm over my shoulder, "don't sweat it, babe. Dianne and I are just good friends," he glanced from Camille to me, "bring it, ladieesss"

I dove and made a quick rocket split with Camille who’s already in the water. Michael was already hysterical when we surfaced, "You know guys can't do splits!" He complained, so we did another one. Flying fish. “How on earth?” Tom complained. I taught him the techniques, and Camille instructed Michael as well.  We all looked like we were having mini swimming classes. "Like this?" Tom asked while wrongly sculling his hands. "No. Like this," I mimicked the right form, but Tom really can't get the jist of it, so I swam behind him and held his hands, "like this," I forcefully swished it sideways. Tom quieted and bit his lip, "erm, are you feeling the water resisting your hands?" He only nodded; "well that's how it's supposed to feel" I put on a smile and swam away from him as I watched Camille teaching Michael on the other side of the pool.

We were doing the same tricks for an hour before we decided to head back to the hotel. We were the only ones left; Camille, Tom, Michael and I. Haydee and my other teammates went home earlier because they were so drained.

Tom was already standing outside our locker room wearing his Nike dri-fit jogging pants paired with a waterproof, collared UK jacket with the words “DIVING” neatly sewn at his left side and “Daley” right below it. "Shall we?" He formally asked, and I nodded.

We strolled to the nearest Starbucks, stopping by some sports fans to take some photos. Some would stand between me and tom, some asked for a photo with Tom alone, and some asked for a photo with me. No doubt these photographs would be shown in the net.

"Hey, do you have a twitter?" Tom asked out of the blue, "ah yes. I do" I instantly remembered my heartbreaking username. Ugh, why...

"What is it? I'll follow you" Tom said, "uhm it's kinda embarrassing" I murmured as he held open the door for me. "Why? C'mon, it's okay." He gave me a reassuring smile and I gave him my twitter name, he ended up laughing out loud. "I didn't come up with it, okay" I find myself laughing too, "well it's obvious that you didn't. It's okay, I'll follow you anyway" he said, and I got a notification the moment we sat down the comfy beige sofa. "@TomDaley1994 is now following you!"

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