Chapter 23: Misunderstood

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1 week later

*Niall’s POV

Amber had been with me for the past week. I don’t know why, but she keeps on popping out of nowhere. I invited her for the first concert in Harlow, but after that, I cut off our communication. I guess she just knows where the lads and I are headed.

After every concert, I find her in our tour bus. I have not a single clue on how she managed to get pass the guards, but she’s there. Honestly, I don’t like the way she treats the guys. She snobs every one of them, she acts like a mom saying things like, “You boys should clean your bunks all the time…” “It’s very expensive to pay for these things…” blah blah blah, and she keeps on giving mean comments about our outfits when we get back from the concert. I really don’t know why she does it, but it pisses the hell out of me.

The lads distanced themselves from Amber, so I’m stuck with her, wasting my time on urging her to leave. There’s no doubt about her look, though. She’s still pretty; with her long, wavy blonde hair, big, blue-green eyes and pouty lips. Her legs are toned and long, and her waist looks like she didn’t eat anything for days. Perfect anatomy of a model. But one thing I know for sure is that her looks are deceiving.

Present day

“THANK YOU HERTFORDSHIRE! YOU’VE BEEN AN AMAZING CROWD!” I shouted through the mic. Today’s our third concert, and the lads and I are wrapping it up. “WE LOVE YOU ALL!” Harry shouted and winked at a few girls in the front row that soon fainted.  We all took our bows, exited the stage, and headed to the bus.

“I hope Amber Schmamber isn’t there. Really, Niall. You should tell her to fuck off. We’re supposed to rest in the bus, not listen to her squeaky voice. That woman is getting into my nerves.” Zayn whispered in my ears, “Her attitude is the total opposite of how she looks like”

“I know, I know… sorry. I’ll tell her tonight, if she’s there” I told Zayn and he walked away without another word. I really don’t know why I can’t tell Amber to simply get away from me.  Maybe it was because of her angelic looks, maybe it was because of the guilt, or maybe I still like her… nope, definitely not the last one.

I opened the bus and found a crying Amber, sans the lads. I wonder where they all went. I walked closer and asked why she was crying, she answered, “I got fired from my job because I didn’t attend the photo shoots…” she said between sobs.

“Erm… why didn’t you attend them photo shoots?” well this is rather awkward… I limply put my hand on her bare shoulder to comfort her, but she turned to me and sobbed more and more.

“Because I always go to your concerts, you dumbass. Haven’t you figured it out that I still love you? You’re the sole reason why I accepted this shoot in London in the first place” the skin around her eyes is dark due to the mascara. I focused on the small things because I don’t know what to say. She kept sobbing so I hugged her, she hugged me back and tainted my white tee shirt with mascara-stained tears.

“Well? Aren’t you going to say anything?” she broke from the hug and looked directly at me. Looking down, I asked “If you’re here for me, then why have you been rude to the lads? They’re my best pals, ya know…”

She let out a humorless laugh and said, “Niall, that’s the reason why I’m mean towards them, so they’d distance themselves from me, and I have you all to myself. If I keep being friendly to them, then they’ll talk to me more!” She rolled her eyes, “I need you, and only you, Niall. You know, for a top-notcher in High School, you’re not really that smart”

I held her shoulders and looked sincerely at her… here it goes, “Erm, I have a girlfriend, Amber. I’m sorry.”

She cringed, but leaned towards me. I know already know what she’s going to do. I tilted my head to the side to avoid her kiss, but she caught me. She tightly held onto my jaw, her long nails digging into my cheeks. She angled my face so that it’s in front of hers. “Amber, no…” I said, but she still kissed me.

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