Chapter 32: More

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*Dianne’s POV*

I woke up feeling really sore… and satisfied. Niall had been very, very gentle. At first he was really scared to do it, I remember him saying: “please don’t get mad at me if I fuck up…”

But after the first try, he kept nudging me to stay awake. Very insatiable, that man. I don’t even know if he was faking his orgasm or what because he never seemed to run out of energy! What I do love is that he keeps on saying he loves me and that ‘this is real’ the entire time we were doing it.

He loved running his nose down my jawline, and to my neck, and to my shoulders, then from there he would trace his way back up with soft kisses until he reaches my lips.

Finally, when he was the one who almost passed out from exhaustion, he extended his arm and looked at me in between those closing eyes, silently gesturing for me to lie down. I did and he limply turned to his side, he faced me and with all his energy, dragged his other arm around me. “I love making love to you” he mumbled so quietly and then he’s out.

My phone rang the moment I was squinting my eyes so that it would adjust to sunlight. The sender’s name showed: Tom Daley

I removed the heart from it yesterday before Niall and I went to his hotel. Not that I didn’t like him anymore, but I just didn’t like him in that way anymore. Tom is still Tom; goofy, hot, and romantically cute. He could make any girl swoon over him.

Why aren’t you responding to my messages?

Is there something wrong?

Talk to me when you can!

Tom x

In that moment I debated whether I should tell him about the Niall and Dianne Reconciliation event, and in the end I decided I should tell him on the grounds that he still has the right to know and that I should not lead him on and he deserves better and he should start finding one now.

I looked at Niall, still softly snoring, but his hands were starting to wander around the pillow where I just got up from. He looks so adorable. I snapped a photo. It’s been a while since I last used Twitter!

I sashayed to the loo and dialed Tom’s number. I personally hate long distance calls. Aside from its costliness, the connection is choppy and vague. I hope this one isn’t what I thought it’d be!

Tom: Hey, love. I’ve been worried sick. How are you?

Me: Hey, Tom. Oh I’m doing great. You?

Tom: Any news? What’s up? And I’m doing well too. Back to my normal life.

Me: Well, uhm… listen, love.

Tom was silent at the end of the line, so I continued;

Me: Niall and I…

I can’t say it. I can’t hurt Tom.

Tom: Let me guess, you two are back together?

His voice is laced with pain and resentment (kind of)

Me: Tom, believe me. The last thing I want to do is hurt you—

He cut me off,

Tom: Yup, that’s what I thought.

And he hung up.

I just let myself fall from the glass door I was leaning on and brought my knees to my chest. I stared at my phone, contemplating if I should send him an apology message or something, but no. Maybe that’s just his impulse reaction to circumstances like these, maybe he’ll cool off after some time and then we could talk civilly.

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