Chapter 34: Ireland

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“MUM, DAD, GREG!!!!!!!!! DENISE? IS DENISE HERE?” Niall busted open the door to their house as if it’s the most normal thing he does.

“Shhh! God, Niall, it’s 6 in the morning! They’re probably sleeping!” I chastised.

“Chill, Dianne. I got this” he smirked.

Our flight change went well, only we landed around 4 in the morning in Ireland so Niall’s family is probably sleeping. No fun. Niall and I managed to sit adjacently; of course he had to charm the flight attendants.

Maura came barreling down the stairs first. “Niall! How’s my lil’ numchuck?” What the f is a numchuck…? Maura engulfed Niall in a huge hug and showered him in kisses. Normal.

Niall was laughing, “I missed you too, mum!”

Maura looked at me then, and she brightened up as she said “you never told me you were going to bring this fine young lass! Dianne, is it?” I nodded; she continued talking to Niall, “heck you never told me you’re going home! I wasn’t able to prepare my house special boxty and full Irish breakfast! Dianne would’ve loved those.” I can only smile. I don’t know why my shyness was taking the best of me. And I sure as hell don’t know what boxty is.

“It’s really a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. Horan! Niall’s told me so much about y’all!” I tried to sound conversational.

“Psh, Niall told us a lot about you too! I’m so happy that you got back together!” Maura exclaimed as she clasped her hands together. She extended her arms to give me a hug, I leaned in closer and she hugged me tight and kissed both of my cheeks. “Now, you two must’ve been exhausted from the flight! Dear,” she turned to me, “would you mind staying in Niall’s room first as I fix things up here? Bobby and Greg are still sleeping”

I smiled and nodded, why wouldn’t I want to stay in Niall’s room? He grew up in that room!!!

“Is Denise here too, mum?” Niall asked, I began to think that Denise and Niall have probably grown closer than I thought!

“Greg is supposed to pick her up this afternoon, I think they planned on going out, but I’ll send her a text before lunch and ask her to come over instead” Maura said effortlessly as she prepared the ingredients for Boxty, I presume.

“C’mon, babe” Niall tugged my arm and he carried my luggage upstairs.

“Niall, I’ll help you with that.”

“No, no it’s okay love”

We reached his room—I knew because there was a sign outside that read: This room is Niall’s. Knock 3x before entering. I can tell from his handwriting that he probably forgot he wrote this if I ask him right now. His handwriting is so squiggly and huge! Niall gave me a sheepish green because he caught me examining his handiwork.

“Nice” I mumbled. I closed the door and took a minute to admire the interiors of his room. It screamed childish! Amateur drawings of superheroes were pinned in his aging corkboard, school flags were there, blue wallpaper, there were soccer ball stickers too… his room is an implication of how young he is inside. I love that he never bothered to even consider remodeling it. I love his room here just the way it is. What he did replace is the bed, though! It’s the one that’s popping up above all these furniture and ornaments inside his room. It’s too massive for a kid, so I thought Niall replaced it when he returned home during one of his breaks before.

I plopped myself down his comfortable king-sized bed, stretched my arms to the side, and closed my eyes, “ahhhh, I love this room of yours, babe.”

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