Chapter 5: Definitely Not Wallowing

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Niall was with Cary, holding beautiful daffodils and 2 tickets to Six Flags. How did he know I loved theme parks? Stalker. As I approached them, Cary rushed by my side and engulfed me in a huge hug; her emerald green eyes were sparkling with joy. Niall was quiet, though. In fact, he seemed shy. Without stuttering, I asked him "Not to appear rude, but what are you doing here?"

"I asked Zayn where you went today because you left so early. He said you might go shopping with Cary. I asked Zayn for your and Cary's number so I could arrange all of this. And trust me, Dianne; it wasn't easy getting a number out of Zayn. I had to endure NOT EATING a whole plate of Nando's just so I could get both of your numbers." His eyes were widening as he explained how he can't go by a day without eating Nando's. "Now you can imagine how hard that had been for me." He continued, his hot Irish accent wrapping around each word he says. I just stared at him and let out a weak "Okay." With that, he went down on his knee and flashed the Six Flags ticket at me. "Dianne Michelle Robmyer, will you go to Six Flags with me?" his smile was so contagious that I forgot every reason why I was mad at him. Dork. I nodded and he stood up to give me my ticket and hug me. After we broke apart, with a wink, he added "It will be a lot of fun with you". Sexy beast.

"Niall, no matter how awesome that sounds, I'm going shopping today with Cary. When are we going to Six Flags?"

"As soon as you're available, darlin'!" he winked again.

I sighed and said "What is it with you and winking?"

Niall playfully cringed and said "I don't know people say it looks cute. Wait, does it look cute?"

"You're a dork" I smacked him cheerfully on his back and turned my back to him.

"Why did you help him set this up?!" I asked Cary, trying and failing to give a mad face.

"Oh shut your whining. Admit it, you liked it. And Niall was pretty persuasive in talking me into doing this" Cary smirked at me.

I was about to enter the nearest store possible when people started noticing Niall. Girls began screaming and squealing out his name. Typical Niall. He was just all smiles as he signed autographs and talked to some of his fans. I even heard one shout "I love you, Nialler! Marry me" Niall simply smiled and said "after the tour!" and I swear, I think I just saw the fan faint.

Watching him in his professional character made me smile, he looked so carefree and at ease with himself. All the girls were already swarming around him and he made an I'm-becoming-uncomfortable-with-this face. Maybe he's claustrophobic. I don't know what to do since he didn't bring security with him, so I did what I was expected to do. I shoved my way to reach him and grab him from the pool of fans.

"Sorry ladies, but the Nialler has to go somewhere!" one girl scowled at me and shoved me, hard enough that it almost made me fall on my ass, luckily Niall was there at my back. The girl said "who the hell are you? Who gave you the fucking right to take Niall away from us?". I was utterly shocked by her guts to say that to a person she doesn't even know, but then again, I was used to receiving such awful compliments when Zayn started becoming a star. Zayn and I were really comfortable with each other that when he began rising as a star, we still went out for coffee whenever he's in a town near me. It's a habit that's really hard to break. They called me stuff like whore, bitch, slut, and other scrutiny. Zayn was able to put an end to the rumor by saying that we no longer have contact and that I am just his childhood friend; but then again, we still text, skype, and bond-discreetly.

Just as I was about to answer the girl, Niall responded and said "Hey, careful. That's my girl you're talkin' to" he smiled at me and I heard the group explode in gasps and swears. I felt warm and happy that Niall said I was his girl and at the same time enraged that Niall admitted something that wasn't true. I gave Niall a you're-really-dead glare and handed him my car keys. "Just go to Zayn's and wait for me there. Cary will drop me by so I could collect my car. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go shop now"

He turned his back and gave his fans a final wave and left... they were chasing him so I just silently wished that he doesn't run out of stamina soon. My personal time shopping with Cary turned into a fan-interrogation fiasco. We were followed by girl fans every store I went to and asked disturbing questions such as "are you really his girl?" "did you guys had sex already?" "was he good in bed?" "does he always sing to you?" "do you guys shower together?" what on earth, people. I gave them a repetitive answer "We're just friends" and went on with my shopping.

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