Chapter 13: Good Ol' Fire

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We rode the label’s complementary Limousine on our way to Fire. The limousine is surreal! I could practically live inside this mobile home for ages! It had plush leather seats, a mini bar, and an extended seat at the back, which I think serves as a bed.

Niall, Louis and I sat across from Zayn, Cary, Liam and Harry.

“Serious party tonight, lads! Yeah! I haven’t partied for ages!” Harry shouted.

“Calm your tits, Harold!” Louis shushed and we all laughed. Harry silenced and shrugged, “You guys are total kill joys!”

Niall put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and looked at him. “I need to tell you something…” I whispered

“What is it, love?” Niall muttered back.

“Ehm, later when we get home. It’s nothing big, really” I told him.

“I doubt you’ll still be sober when we get home, but okay.” He laughed. I succumbed to his contagious laughter.

We arrived in Fire and were greeted by paps once again. I can now imagine how hard this must be for the lads.

“Who are these girls?” A middle-aged paparazzi shouted while prodding Liam.

“They’re good friends of ours” Liam said and smiled to the paparazzi.

The lads kept quiet until we were given a private room. When we entered, the smell of the room was the first thing that registered into my mind. It smelled like citrus, and not some dirty old bar.  There was a circular couch with a round table at the middle. The lads took their seats, but Cary was already pulling me towards the dance floor.

“Ehm… Niall, Cary and I will hit the dance floor!” I shouted

“Be right with ya in a minute!” Niall said and chugged at his beer.

Much to my surprise, the dance floor was neat and tidy, not sticky ‘cause of spilled drinks. The music was modern and up to date. Strobe lights are wildly clashing amongst each other, and popular DJ’s are at the front, responsible for the hyped up music. The room was simply full of energy and I loved it!

Cary and I pushed ourselves onto the middle and danced to the beat of the music. I just had a couple of drinks, so I'm still fine, I guess.

Niall and Louis joined us after a couple of minutes and they danced both Cary and I. There’s nothing more perfect than this carefree moment right now. I let myself go and danced with Niall until I’m left breathless. We were staring at each other, breaths heavy when Niall’s phone rang. He cocked a smile and excused himself “It’ll just take a minute, babe! My mum's callin'”

"I'll just get us more drinks. Dianne's STILL sober!" Louis prodded Cary on the side and Cary smirked. Evil duo.

Cary playfully twirled me and I lost grip, falling over a perfectly chiseled, copper-haired guy with familiar pale green eyes.

“Dianne! What a pleasant surprise!” Christian exclaimed.

I could only gawk at his face. I thought he was in Seattle! Why on earth is he in Oregon right now… and why is he in the same club that I’m in.

Cary rushed over to me, "Oh my God, Dianne. I'm so sor...." and also gaped at what she saw.

Christian helped me up, and then gave me his signature skewed smile that once made me melt.

“Ehm… hi” I whispered, face heating up.

“What are you guys doing here?” Christian said, looking between Cary and me. Where on earth is Niall when you need him?

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