Chapter 4: Too Early For Wallowing

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I drove my pink Honda as fast as I can... well as fast as the speed limit could handle. I was so mad that he could forget about what happened in just one jog. Well that was pretty typical of a rock star, right? I already called Cary the moment I got home and asked her to go shopping with me. I brushed a stray hair on my face as I was waiting for Cary to pick up. When she did, she sounded like she was in a hurry. Great. "Hey, Dianne! What's up?" she cheerily said, but I could sense that she was doing something and I'm keeping her from it. "I'm good," knowing that she was busy, I still asked, "hey do you have spare time to go shopping with me at Centrepoint? I just need to loosen my mind. Things had been... pretty weird lately." Cary Hastings is my and Zayn's best friend, we're sort of a trio, which made me instantly wonder why Cary hadn't showed up the other night at Zayn's party. I wish he invited her and she just declined.

"Well yeah I'm a bit busy, Dianne. I have my doctor's appointment in 30 minutes. But I'll cancel it for you. I'd been pretty busy lately too and I just feel like I need to make up for the time we were apart. I missed you! What's up?"

"Wait, you knew Zayn's party right? Why didn't you come over?"

"I had something to take care of. I visited my dad in Seattle so I haven't got the time to go. Sorry I wasn't able to inform you though"

"It's alright. I just thought he didn't invite you" I laughed, shocked at how badly I think about our best friend.

"He was really persistent! I wish I was able to come, though. There's always next year!! But I already got a gift for him, would you mind coming with me after you shop? I'll just hand this over to him" she said while shaking something. I could hear it in the background.

"what's that anyway?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Oh it's just something wrapped entirely in pink and topped with a white curly ribbon" she laughed and I knew that she's planning on teasing Zayn. Poor Zayn, I could only empathize with him. "So will you come with me to drop by Zayn's later?" she followed up.

"Well about that..." I trailed off. Cary went completely silent at the end of the line and I took it as a sign for me to continue. "Do you know a Niall in that One Direction band?"

Cary instantly brightened up and squealed. "YES. He's so charming, right? Ugh. I'd do anything for that hottie! His full name's Niall Horan, though. You've been living under a rock for so long you don't even know Zayn's band mates. Let me guess, you only met them yesterday?"

I laughed and said, "Yeah. Well that's just me Cary. Boring old me. So I'll see you in a jiff? Centrepoint in 20 minutes, okay? Love you!"

Cary agreed and cut the line off.

Just as I was about to leave, my phone pinged and I was hoping it was Cary. She's usually the fast-paced one.

"You never love yourself half as much as I love you. You never treat yourself right, darling but I want you to. If I let you know I'm here for you, maybe you'll love yourself like I love you. :) I can't stop thinking about you. x"

There was no name so I just stared dumbfounded at my phone. Surely they were lyrics... but what song was it from? Despite the lacking name, I instantly knew who it was from. Niall. With conviction, I knew that he pushed Zayn to the edge just to get my number. Zayn's the kind of person that anyone can trust. He's just so good at keeping his word. I wonder what Niall did to urge Zayn and give him my number. I limply drove my Honda on my way to Centrepoint to meet up with Cary and tell her everything that happened and ask her for advice. She's very good at giving advices. That's one of the reasons why I love being her best friend.

I dialed Cary's number the moment I arrived at the venue that we were supposed to meet but she wasn't there. I called again and still no answer. Just as I was about to dial her number once more, I received a text from her.

"Look to your left"

I glanced on my left and I think my jaw just reached the floor at what I just saw. Cary wasn't alone.

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