Chapter 2: Confusing

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"So guys, will you stay here or are you going to call a hotel for our break?" Zayn asked. Harry and Niall said that they would love to stay at Zayn's for the remainder of their break because they'll return to the road in two weeks. Liam and Louis, on the other hand wanted the comfort of the hotel but were soon persuaded by Niall to stay in Zayn's house with them. "It was really nice to meet you guys and I hope to see you all tom--later," I said, glancing at my wristwatch. "I'll head to bed now and I'm sorry for taking your spot! You may sleep there now; I'll leave space in the bed." I said with a yawn. "Yes!" I heard that sexy Irish accent again and discreetly looking back, I saw Niall on his way to Zayn's room, determined to get that spot beside me, I hope. I laughed at how expectant I was being.

I hurriedly changed into my PJs the moment I arrived in Zayn's room. When I emerged from the bathroom, I was surprised to see Niall already fresh on the bed. I asked him, "No offense, but shouldn't Zayn be the one sleeping there?", he looked like he was ready for my question and he gave me a ready answer, "yeah but I asked him if I can talk to you and sleep here tonight and he said yes. I think Zayn and the guys will be sleeping in the other room for the dawn." He smiled his adorable, triumphant smile and I noticed he had braces on, it just camouflaged well with his teeth that's why I never noticed it on him before. "So what do you want to talk about?" I asked, as I slipped by his side. He feels so warm, and I instantly felt so nervous when I got beside him. Why am I feeling this?!  

"Last night. You were that girl, right?", he asked, determined and sure.  

"What girl?" I responded. 

"You know what I'm talking about, Dianne. You danced with me. And I have to admit though, you turned me on." He said casually. It was the first time he said my name and his accent caresses my name more than Zayn's does. It sounds hot. How can he admit that without even flinching?

"Ah how did you know it was me? I had my back turned to you." I asked, feeling stupid afterwards. 

"The dress, and you have a swimsuit tan line on your back. So, you swim?" he said. 

"Oh well that was just the alcohol. I'm sorry. Yeah, I do." I said, feeling my cheeks turn tomato red. 

"Don't be. I liked it. I like you" he smiled. Awesome, a hot Irish singer likes me and I'm just nobody.  

"You liked me because I erotically danced with you? You don't even know me" I said, with a weird expression on my face. I frowned and scrunched my brows at him. I like this guy, no doubt, but him saying he likes me just because I danced provocatively with him is purely nonsensical.

"I just like you, okay. You're mysterious... and, ehm you're really cute. It's a bonus that you look hot when you do that face, though" He smiled.

"Well I think that mystery is going to last for a long, long time. Goodnight, love." I winked and put on my sexiest face possible. Knowing that it wouldn't do anything since the sun's almost rising, I leaned over him, just enough so he could see my ample chest, and turned off the lights. I think I heard him groan.

"So fucking hot" were the last words I heard him say. His breath smells so amazing. Despite what just happened, I can't help but think that he's a rock star and maybe, whatever this is-it's just a part of his routine whenever he meets some girl he likes.

He will make her fall for him with no intentions of catching her. I can't let that happen to me, I've been broken way too many times. It's time for me to do the heart-breaking stuff, time to play hard to get, Dianne! I said to myself as encouragement. I know that this will be hard, considering how freaking hot this guy is beside me. All girls will swoon over him and he'd have no trouble replacing me, but it's worth the shot! I have nobody else to blame if I break my heart again.

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