Chapter 24: Shattered then Glued

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*Dianne’s POV

I honestly prefer the supposed feeling of giving birth to a hundred children (even though I haven’t felt it before) than feeling this huge ache in my heart. I’m pretty sure this is more painful. The fact that he didn’t remember our first month was tolerable, but seeing him do that on our first month? I don’t even know what to feel.

Zayn was here yesterday, he went over to comfort me instead he found himself surrounded by eight screaming girls asking for his autograph. My teammates are massive fans of One Direction. I led him to my room, away from my teammates. It’s tad distracting, they have their eyes focused on Zayn.  

Zayn closed the door and said “Niall was asking the name of this hotel…” he looked at me and smirked.

“Zayn, please don’t tell Niall where I stay. Please. I just don’t want to talk to him anymore. It’s’ over, I cleared things between us” I beg him, teary eyed.

“But Dianne, you should look at the poor guy, he literally cried. He doesn’t normally cry because of girls” he said matter-of-factly

Shrugging it off, I said “I’m sure he just cried ‘cause he was guilty. Anyway, would you like some tea? That Chinese take-out was really heavy!” I headed to the kitchen counter anyways without confirmation from Zayn.

“Yeah. Thanks. I’ll have Earl Grey. Do you have Twinings?” Zayn asked, snickering. He knows me too well to notice that I’m avoiding the topic.

“Yeah. I love Twinings.” I shouted and proceeded on making our tea.

I put his tea in a pink tea cup, “here ya go!” I laughed.

Zayn sardonically rolled his eyes, “anyhow, big competition, huh? I’ll be watching!”

“You don’t have to, love. I know how busy your schedule gets” I tell Zayn.

“Nope, I want to. This is actually the first time I’m going to watch you compete, and we’re leaving after two days, headed to Hyde Park. And how hard would it be to ditch a single gig, right?” He was really persistent, so I told him I’d give him front row tickets. I was planning to give him three, just in case if some of the lads wanted to watch. I instructed him not to take Niall, and if there are any spare tickets, I asked him to return it to me.

“I love you, Dianne. And I’ll always be here for you no matter what. Just like old times, yeah? Be strong!” Tears sprang anew beneath my eyes upon hearing Zayn’s words of encouragement. Zayn hugged me tight before leaving our hotel around midnight.

I went straight to the loo to do my night time regime and tweeted “What did I even do to deserve this? :(“

I checked Niall’s twitter and saw his top tweet just four hours ago, “The past doesn’t come back t haunt you, they come back to make you realize how lucky you are to have the current one and how damn stupid you are t let them go that easily. #niallerdrama”

I exited twitter and succumbed to sleep.

The next day, I got up from bed a little earlier than normal just to make myself a cup of tea. Haydee caught my arm when I arrived in the kitchen counter; I didn’t even notice her since I was lost in thought. “I heard about it, I’m sorry, Dianne” and she hugged me. Haydee is my bestest friend in our team. We always make a duet whenever there’s a competition. She’s very good, which is why we always win! She’s Asian, with snow white skin, shoulder-length raven hair and chinky brown eyes. She didn’t know about Niall and me, but I filled in the details while we sat down for tea.

Smiling at my friend’s warm company, I manage to say, “Well, it’s over now so I reckon I better focus on our routines, yeah?”

Haydee gave me a sympathetic smile, “I know you won’t be able to focus, but that’s why I’m here, c’mon. Let’s go to the pool and show me what you got” Haydee already hauled me away from the kitchen counter and down to the pool area. But Haydee was right, I only have one day left to practice. So much for finishing my tea.

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