Chapter 21: Los Angeles

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“Flight L637 to Los Angeles, California will be boarding in twenty minutes” I hear the voice of the woman from the speakers.

I left earlier than what I should have. Cary decided to stay with her family for a little longer, I couldn’t blame her. They’re just so close. I spent only a week in Seattle, mostly doing the same things over and over again; calling Niall on the mornings, training on afternoons, spending time with Cary’s family on evenings, and calling Niall again on midnights. Sometimes Christian and I would sit through a cup of coffee (or tea for me) and just talk. Paparazzi caught some photos of us and then posted it on the internet, no doubt, with the caption:


Christian and I would just laugh it off. He knew and respected my feelings for Niall and he did absolutely nothing to lead my feelings astray. Niall eventually found out about the photos and I told him he has nothing to worry about. Christian even talked to him and he told Niall that he’s sorry for back at the bar; he said he just probably “got off the wrong foot”. They—unbelievably—became good pals afterwards. Niall even asked me for his number, he said they’d play golf sometimes.

Christian, being the rich hooligan that he is, once again upgraded my seat to first class. Now I have to sit through two and a half hours until we land in California. I watched Pitch Perfect and it was astounding! I loved it. I only have thirty minutes to spare when the movie ended and I just killed time reading novels on my iPhone.

“Ten minutes until arrival to Los Angeles, California. The weather is great, sunny and cloudy.” The pilot announced. That’s good, guess I’ll go to the beach later. Our house is conveniently near Malibu Lagoon. It’s the best beach there is! There are tons of stuffs to do like tide-pooling, swimming, fishing, wildlife-watching and more! I always go there with Chet, my dad, every day when I was a kid. And I think it would be fun to revisit a childhood memory every now and then. Yep, I’d definitely go there again.

Dad, Jonathan (my older brother), Kasey (my almost-my-age younger sister), and Juliette (my mom) were all waiting for me. Some welcoming committee I have. Jonathan was flashing a huge sign that reads “To my baby sissy, Dianne! Welcome home!” typical Jonathan. But it’s okay, I know his cooking would eventually suppress this embarrassment.

I looked down and suddenly my walking feet looks more welcoming. Some of Niall’s fans waved at me when I arrived. I knew because they were wearing One Direction shirts. Whoa. How did they even know me? One even shouted, “Hey it’s Dianne Robmyer! She’s so pretty!!!” I actually blushed. At least some of his fans like me. 

We were on our way to the car when Dad, who has absolutely zero updates on celebrity news, asked “Why are all these girls waving at you? Have you gone lesbian or something?” I wanted to laugh at him. Kasey, being the celebrity news know-it-all, answered for me, “Dad, can’t you see what these girls are wearing?” Dad glanced around, “Some 1D shirts. What on earth is 1D anyway?” Kasey and I gasped at the same time, “Oh my gosh! Dad, you don’t even know 1D?” Kasey asked, a bit surprised. Looking all suspicious at me, Dad answered, “No, Kasey, I don’t. Please enlighten me.” Mom knew all about it since I update her regularly, she just opted not to tell dad. He’ll just go ballistic that his eldest daughter now has a what-they-call a love life. And Jonathan, well he really doesn’t care about anything. If it doesn’t involve business or food, don’t bother talking to him.

Kasey silently asked permission from me and I nodded. “Well they’re this British boy band… and one Irish, they’re all hot if you ask me” Kasey winked at me and continued, “And one of them is dating Dianne…” Kasey sighed, but quickly added; “I wish Harry would date me too!” she looked upward, like it’s going to be heaven in Harry’s arms. No Kasey, that man is a complete and utter pervert; I wanted to tell her, but then again, she would already know that.

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