Chapter 9: Interrogation

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I decided to stay at Zayn’s for the remaining three days. When we arrived at Zayn’s, we didn’t notice we were holding hands until Harry sniffed at us and said “We got lovebirds over here!” with that, Louis, Liam and Zayn hurriedly checked us out. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Zayn interrogated me. “I’m sorry. I haven’t got the time to tell you”

I spent the next hour explaining everything to the guys from the start and spent the next hour apologizing to Zayn for not telling him. I usually tell him everything, but this time, I omitted the kissing part. I was just too scared that Zayn might think differently of me.

When I got an assurance from him that we’re alright, I head over to the guys’ spare room that they’ve been staying on. I gaped at how fine the designed their new room. I had to give the boys credit for what they did. There had been newly installed wallpaper with random music notes and words, plush bean bags, furry carpets, and nice, huge bed with a Niall and a Macbook.

“What are you doing?” I asked, clearly curious.

“Talking to my fans. I haven’t been talking with them since we arrived here. I just want to save some of my time and reply to some of their tweets” I think I should be jealous by this, but I wasn’t. Instead, I felt proud of him that despite his rise as a star, he never snubbed his fans. “What’s your twitter name? I’ll follow you”

“Uhh, erm, I don’t have one” I said shyly.

“Well then let’s make you one, Diannie Bananie!” he logged out and went to the “Sign Up” page. Ugh, Niall and his weird nicknames.

Just as I was about to go out, Liam entered the door and said, “what’s all the commotion? You two shouldn’t be left alone in this room” Liam let out a husky laugh and I playfully smacked him. Niall asked me to input my password and told me to check if everything’s all good. I liked everything except my username, @ilovethenialler. “Niall… why can’t I choose my own username?” he exploded in laughter and said “Aww, c’mon, Dianne, don’t change it love!”

Harry entered next with his iPhone in hand and he tapped in a few words. When I refreshed my page, I already had half a thousand followers. “What did you do?” I glanced at Harry. “I tweeted something about our new friend, about how Niall made a twitter for you”. And I got my first celebrity follower, @Harry_Styles, ha!

When I checked Harry’s twitter, I saw his top tweet:

“How sweet of @NiallOfficial to make a twitter for Dianne! She’s new on twitter, follow her guys xx @ilovethenialler :)”

After I gained a few followers, I decided to tweet. My first tweet was

“Never let @NiallOfficial ride a roller coaster alone. Hahaha!” attached with the tweet was his photo looking shell-shocked. The photo got a lot of retweets and favorites by their fans.

Then Niall followed me and tweeted, “Hey guys, follow this girl. She’s a keeper. Isn’t she cute? x” attached with the tweet is a photo of me sleeping. How on earth did Niall get that photo?!

Niall went out of the room laughing and Liam followed. Harry and I were left alone. Harry broke the silence by saying “So, you fancy Niall, huh?” and smiled. “Well…”  I trailed off and he continued “That’s good. Niall’s an adorable little thing. You’ll never get bored with him. Heck, you’ll never get hungry with him. But in case it doesn’t work out, though… I’m here for you” I was shocked at what Harry said. Surely he meant that he’s here to comfort me if it doesn’t work out between me and Niall, right?

Harry left me with that and I decided to scroll along my twitter. I only follow five people. Five guys, to be exact.

I checked a tab that has a “@” icon. It’s entitled “mentions”. I stared hardly at the tweets that were meant for me.

“She’s just a slut that hypnotized our boys”

“I know her! That girl’s Zayn’s best friend! Now that she’s done with Zayn, Niall’s next?! When will you ever stop?”

“You just hit the jackpot, enjoy them while they’re still succumbing into your spell, witch”

And many more. These tweets were harsher than the ones I always hear when I’m with Zayn. Although there were fans who like me and told me things like I’m pretty. One even tweeted that Niall and I totally look good together. I rarely see those kinds of tweets but it’s enough for me to feel light despite the other punitive tweets. Remind me again why I agreed with Niall to make me a twitter account.

I scrolled further and found something really disturbing. A fan mentioned me on twitter and said

“Just friends, huh????” and attached with the tweet is a photo of Niall and me kissing after the horrific trip to the Haunted Mansion and another photo of the one in the kissing booth.

I opted not to reply because defending myself would just give the fans additional rumor to work on. Even I don’t know what’s going on between Niall and me.

I tweeted “Catch y’all later! Have a great day ahead xx” and closed my twitter tab. Seeing that I’m still alone, I opened Yahoo! to see if there are any more of those photos.

“One Direction’s Niall Horan caught in a heated moment with a mysterious girl in Six Flags.”

“Niall Horan’s new girlfriend?”

“Who is this mystery girl?”

Were just some of the headlines that caught my attention. It’s sad to think that people nowadays are more concern about other’s lives instead of their own. There were more photos of our moment that I found on the Internet, all in different angles. Nasty comments were also present below the photos, mainly focusing on how much of a slut I am. Cool.

Niall was right, these photos didn’t spread on the tabloids, in fact I didn’t even see a single tabloid with either one of these photos. But nothing can stop these photographs from spreading all over the World Wide Web.

Just as I was contemplating on telling the guys about this, a grim-faced Niall opened the door and said “Zayn’s angry again…”


“He sort of saw the photos…”

Zayn is like a brother to me. I get why he feels overprotective of me sometimes. It’s just a normal thing between us. I suddenly felt guilty that I didn’t tell him everything a while ago.

I stood up from the bed. “I’ll talk to him”, but Niall held my wrist and said “Stay, love. I want to talk to you. I already talked to Zayn about it. He cooled down a wee bit, but you can talk to him later. Right now, I just want to ask you things.”

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