Chapter 7: Great Morning

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I had to text Niall the moment I wake up so I could apologize at falling asleep while he sang to me. I picked up my phone and typed:

“Good morning, sleepy head! I’m sorry for falling asleep last night while you were singing. I was just really tired. Are you up for Six Flags today or do I have to stop by Zayn’s and make you guys breakfast again? :-) xoxo”

We were beginning to get closer; I hope this is the first step to whatever’s going to happen between us.

Almost 10 minutes had lapsed and still no response from Niall. I decided to take a shower first. In the shower, I argued with myself about what I was really feeling for Niall. I mean he’s really cute and charming and hot and all, but can I take the heavy feeling of missing him all the time once he leaves for their next tour in four days? Can I take the sight of him interacting with his fans? I know it’s just purely for professional purposes but I’m still not used by the sight of him with other girls, screaming girls, actually. I’m just a normal, boring person. I get jealous a lot and I cry over the slightest of things. I just can’t think how it will work out between me and him, but I decided that it’s worth the shot.

When I got out fresh from the shower, I saw four messages: One from my Dad, one from Harry, and two from Niall. Wondering what Harry wanted, I checked his message first. It read out in huge capital letters:


Sweet and flirty Harry. I smiled at his text and replied: “I’ll be right over in 20 minutes tops.”

I opened Dad’s message second and it read out:

“When are you visiting L.A. again? We miss you. I hope you’re safe! Love you, Dianne!”

Aww. I got teary eyed already by just reading a few messages from Dad. Sniffing, I replied:

“Maybe I’ll spend a week with you guys after Zayn and his band leaves for tour! I have a lot to tell you guys!” My relatives, parents, siblings, and other close friends are all in Los Angeles. They said the beaches are nice there. I’m stuck in Oregon for the past three months because I’ve been finding a job. My parents didn’t want me to, though. They wanted me to stay at home and run the business; but I don’t want to run a business. I wanted to explore the U.S. and find a job that I really want. I’m still undecided about everything, I’m that complicated.

The two messages from Niall read out:

“Mornin’! It’s alright, I love hearing you sleep. In fact, I left the phone on loudspeaker until I fell asleep too. It made me feel like we were sleeping together. Good feeling, actually. Six flags today sounds good. Can’t wait! Drop by here too! The guys are hungry and Harry refuses to cook. :-( I’m hungry :-(”

“I miss you already. I don’t want to continue this tour anymore, but then again, if I don’t, then I wouldn’t be able to make enough money for us when we marry someday. Hahahaha! xo”

We would marry? I giggled at how forthcoming he thinks. I replied:

“Hahaha alright. Be right there, love!”

I wore my blue and pink, spaghetti-strapped, floral dress with a criss-cross pattern on the front. This outfit is perfect for the outdoors, although sometimes it gets too flowy, but Niall wouldn’t mind that. The dress hugged the curves of my body and it perfectly fits me. It made my ample chest stand out and my behind look hot. Simple looks that would attract a guy are always preferable over sophisticated clothes and make-up. I applied less amount of make-up, just enough to survive the day at a theme park. Satisfied with how I looked, I head over to Zayn’s.

When Zayn opened the door, he hugged and greeted me, “Good morning, Dianne! Wow, you look gorgeous. Where are you headed today?”

When Zayn and I broke from our hug, Niall came up to Zayn and said “Six Flags with this hottie” he winked at Zayn and repeatedly pointed at himself. Niall is just too adorable for my life. Zayn suspiciously looked at me as I entered, but I have no time for story-telling now.

“Actually,” I said matter-of-factly “I was heading over to make you guys breakfast. Niall said you guys, especially him, are hungry. So, are you?”

Zayn laughed out loud and said, “Well, you’re a little bit late, Dianne. Niall already ate our salmon, and it was raw. He said that in sushi, salmons are also raw, so what’s the difference?”

I turned my attention to Niall and I looked at him with a disgusted expression on my face. “Why on earth would you do that? Can’t you freaking wait for me?”

He looked shy, and I swear I noticed his cheeks redden. “I was really hungry. You don’t know me and my hunger metabolism. I get hungry a lot. You’ll see”

I laughed and said “I was just joking. It was disgusting, though. Who would do that?” I playfully smacked his shoulder and head over to the kitchen to cook some Omelet for the guys. Niall smelled what I was cooking and said, “Make me one too please”. I didn’t comment any further because I might push his patience over the edge, so I simply obliged. After cooking, I served them their food and went to the bathroom to retouch my now-oily face. Just as I was about to wipe my face with a towel, warm hands crawled around my waists and I instinctively turned around and come face to face with the hot, blue-eyed Irish man. “I’m still hungry” and he said that with a heated look on his face, and I think he’s not hungry for food… but I stowed away malice and asked him, “okay, wait a sec, I’ll cook more for you” God, I just became these guys’ official cook. Cook Dianne, happy to serve. Awesome. Niall pushed me closer to him and now our faces are just inches apart. I wanted to kiss him, and at the same time, I don’t. It’s all too early. “I’m not hungry for food”, he said. I distracted him by saying, “Six Flags is opening soon. We wouldn’t want to be late!” he looked lost for a moment and then shook his head and said, “you’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll get ready.”

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