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Life. Is. Awesome.

It’s been one year since Niall and I started touring together. At first I found it so difficult to sleep in Niall’s bunk with Niall in it… but as time went by, we came up with certain compromises…

These boys’ life is rather difficult. Sleeping so late after a concert and waking up extra early for interviews. But hey, the boys did have a happy ending as well. Zayn and Marla finally dated ‘exclusively’, Ellie and Louis? Well, back together again… and engaged! Kasey and Harry… well, things are heating up between them for now; and Cary…? Cary’s dated Michael from 5 Seconds of summer, an Aussie band who’s close with One Direction as well! How they met? Well, that’s another story…

I got to visit my family in LA twice a year so it’s all good.

Now, Niall is on break. We’re in Maldives. And expecting a baby…


We’re really just in Maldives, relaxing and de-stressing. Well, Niall’s outside catching some sea urchins and I’m just in this hut… contemplating how it would’ve all been different if I stayed with Christian or with Tom. But this is where I belong, with this goofball named Niall Horan. And he belongs to me. Some would say it’s impossible to find someone who can be your friend, lover, and confidante at the same time, but it’s possible, you just have to meet that one person. Sometimes we just go through several obstacles to find him, the one who truly belongs to us, but when we find that person, there’s no letting go.

Niall hurriedly entered the hut, disturbing me from my daydreaming. “Babe, come out the beach, quick! I finally found the sea urchin! It’s still moving!” He intertwined our fingers and pulled me outside.

There were fucking people. Not just people… Louis, Zayn, Harry, and Liam were there. My family too, and Niall’s! What the hell is happening?

Niall finally let go of my hand, “Niall, what are they doing here?!” I was wearing a long, semi-see through gown and a bikini inside. It’s embarrassing!

“Well, they went here to see the sea urchin I caught!”

Niall quickly removed his white sando and didn’t even give me time to marvel at his body, he ran to the ocean and disappeared. Minutes later, a blimp passed by. A blimp. What on earth was Niall Horan thinking?!

“Will you marry me?”

Holy shit. So this is what it’s all about. I told Niall long before that I’ve always wanted to go to Maldives. And now here we are, with the best people in our lives…

Niall finally rose from the waters holding a sea urchin. So he really was serious about that…

The spikes were still moving… yikes!

“So your ring is inside, you have to get it.” Niall kissed my cheeks and said, “I love you.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“JUST SAY YES ALREADY” Kasey yelled from afar. Oh God, even Kasey’s here. I chuckled at her.

“No, don’t say yes just yet.” Niall whispered.

“What made you think I’m going to say yes?”

“Erhm… this.”

He went down on one knee... “Dianne Michelle Robmyer,” he said it so slow that it gave my tears time to climb up my eyes, “you make me a better man in so many ways. You stuck around during my darkest days, even when I’m even too ashamed to look at my own face. You’re there to cheer me up during my saddest moments, you… I just don’t know what I would do without you, Dianne. Please make me the happiest man alive, will you marry me?”

I’m officially crying. “Yes.”

Party poopers went off… who the hell brought party poopers at an engagement? Probably Greg… or Jonathan. Speaking of both, they’re talking. Whoa. Niall slipped the ring on my finger and allowed me to look at it… because the rock is damn huge! I never expected Niall to buy a rock this massive. There are little carvings on the side that made up a criss-cross design. At the back of the ring, there was something engraved, “To our forever. I love you. –Niall”

Niall got back up, carried me, and swooshed me around. He kissed me over and over again and I couldn’t be any happier. I love him. He loves me. This is the life I chose, and I’m going to live with it… with him.

I honestly like this engagement. It’s simple and private. Amidst all the publicity that’s circulating, it’s nice to at least have something private and intimate in my life, something worth treasuring that hasn’t spread like wildfire. In a few moments it will, I’m sure. But at least nobody witnessed how it happened. It will all be a mystery.

Just like how I skipped a period last month… still a mystery.

BUT, I confirmed today that I’m not really pregnant. Soon, maybe. But not now. 

Niall looked at me again. “I still can’t believe you’re officially my fiancée”

“Well, believe it, Mr. Horan.”

“Dianne. You just made me the happiest man alive right now. I swear.”  

I kissed Niall on the lips long and hard and I didn’t care who’s watching.

I whispered something to Niall as he carried me again,

“Here’s to our forever. I love you so much, Niall James Horan.”

And just like that, everything felt so perfect, so right.

I know it's weird I didn't include a prologue but hey... I know y'all want this epilogue ;) kidding. Ciao for now!



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