Chapter 11: Company

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I invited Cary to our little dinner. I texted her that the boys and I will be at Nando’s in about thirty minutes. Cary texted back a "sure, I'd love to!"

We arrived at Nando's in peace. Only a few fans noticed and asked for a photo. Once we were inside, Niall already made a face; he lifted his chin up, closed his eyes and started smelling the aroma of freshly cooked chicken cuisine.

"Sweet Jesus! Nothing will beat the aroma of Nando's!"

This sight of Niall is too adorable, which is why I clasped my iPhone from my bag and took a photo of him. This is so going on twitter later!

We were seated in a secluded area, but a few fans still managed to approach us—or the boys, and asked for a photo.

I was supposed to take their photo but Niall gestured me to come over and join the photo. So we ended up asking one of the waiters instead. Luckily, none of the fans seemed to mind that I’m ruining their little photo with One Direction.

It took a while for us to sit down because of the constant approach of the fans. I didn't mind them; at least they're not swarming us. If I’m going to be Niall “always-having-a-photo-op” Horan’s girlfriend, then I might as well get used to all of this.

Almost every photo we had, Niall's arm was always around my waist. It seems that he’s publicizing our relationship rather soon.

I sat together with Liam, Louis, and Niall. Harry, Zayn and Cary sat across from us.

“Oh, I want the Chicken Wrap,” Niall said. The guys looked at each other, wide-eyed. Maybe Niall’s running tad light tonight. But then he continued, “add half a dozen of hot chicken wings, double portion of curly chips, and…” “Whoa, slow down Niall!” Liam exclaimed. Acting like he didn’t hear anything, Niall continued with his order, “add two corns on a cob, and iced tea. What about you, guys?” Niall ordered almost everything on the menu! I couldn’t help but giggle.

“What?” Niall said, looking at me. “Nothing… how come you eat so much and never get fat? That’s not fair.” I murmured. “Everything’s unfair, babe. Now go take your order”

I ordered my usual Chicken Espetada. Seeing as I won’t be able to finish yet again another meal, I asked if Cary she wanted to split. Nando’s serving is practically for two people. I wonder where Niall puts all those food.

Liam, Louis and I engaged in an animated conversation about synchronized swimming. It’s funny how they kept asking me questions like how do we breathe underwater, how do we raise our legs, and other ludicrous curiosities. “I mean, really, do you guys have some oxygen underwater?” Liam asked, “Yeah, don’t you get all purple after?” Louis followed up.

Niall can't concentrate on our little conversation. He keeps on looking from side to side and asking constant questions like "Is the food here yet?" if someone says no, he'll shrug and look down. So we decided to ignore him.

Finally, food arrived a few minutes after our conversation, and Niall released a sigh of relief. Everyone was quiet when we were eating except Niall.

"Oh my God this is so delicious..." he kept saying in between bites. I just smiled at him and Liam said "Dianne, you'll get used to it soon. That’s pretty typical of Niall". His thick accent is music to my ears.

I laughed and went on with my eating. "Dianne, do you remember when you're all crazy about him before?" She pointed her lips at Niall, and continued, "and now look at you two"

Niall stopped eating and looked at me. He has this perfect, irresistible serious face as he said "Yeah, she's a real beauty, isn't she?" Then he continued consuming his meal. I laughed and said, “I am not crazy about this dweeb.” I put my arm around Niall and cuddled him. None of my sweet gestures worked because Niall was too caught up in eating his food.

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