Chapter 20: Catching Up

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Cary called me the next morning. She invited me to their family dinner, and I must admit, I really miss Cary’s family. They are just so welcoming and comfortable with me. I love them to bits!

I shimmied out of my PJs, got showered and got dressed. Today I wore my beige Steve Madden wedges and a black, fitted, muscle tee with the words “ROCK ME” written in red at the front, the half of the clothing is beautifully cut into fringes, exposing my midriff; I topped my outfit off with my dark blue jeggings from Topshop.

I checked my phone and saw a text from My Extremely Hot Boyfriend, he says he needs to tell me something. Hmm, it’s lunch time in London now and I expect he’ll be calling in a few minutes. I did my hair first, I went for a natural wavy look this time, I teased the upper part of my hair and left the lower ones wavy. I was applying mascara when Niall called, a photo of him sleeping popped up on my phone.

“Hey, love. I missed you” I missed hearing this accent so much.

“Niall!” I shrieked.

“Listen, I need to tell ya somethin’…” his voice dropped. I knew something was off. I waited for him. I didn’t say anything and he took it as his cue to continue, “management doesn’t want us to tell the fans that we have girlfriends.” It hurt a little bit, but I knew he was just as hurt as I was, and I understand that all of this is part of the whole “being famous” package. Management dictates your life. “Uhm, Dianne?” his worried voice snapped me back to reality.

“I-uhm… it’s okay, Niall. We really can’t do anything about it, can we?” I smiled, even though he can’t see me.

“Are you sure?” He asks, tone worried.

Am I sure about this? "Y-yeah. It's okay, Nialler! It won't affect our relationship anyway, right?" 

"Can't affect our relationship, nope!" Niall assured me. "And listen, mum just informed me that her sister and niece are in Seattle too! They're probably staying in the same hotel. Laura just needed to do business there." 

I remembered Natalie, the Irish girl who asked for my autograph before. "What's the name of your cousin, Niall?"

"Oh she's a darlin'! I wish ya could've met her. She's like my little sister! Her name's Natalie" I can feel Niall's pride for her.

"Oh my God! Niall!" I shouted, "What? What happened??" He asked, a bit serious. "An Irish girl approached me earlier when I was training..."

I told him my little encounter with his favourite cousin. "Aww that's so sweet! I knew you two would get along! Maybe we could spend some time swimming together, the three of us!" He suggested. "That sounds great, Niall! I'd love that! And I think i need to tell you something too… Uhm, Christian.." I hear Niall take a deep breath. "Christian upgraded my suite. He made me choose over upgrading my suite or moving in my room! I chose the upgrade 'fcourse!" 

Niall snickered, "that's okay, love. No need to worry. Just... Just don't let him get to you" he reminded. "Yup. Erm, I'll be going to Cary's house today. We'll just bond and catch up." I tell him my plans for today and he told me his.

*Niall's POV

“The usual, we’ll just have tons of interviews today. Our concert will be three days after today.” I told her. I always am quiet during interviews. I tend to swear a lot when there are conflicting ideas.

“Interviews again, huh. Nialler, you’ve done an awful lot of interviews lately” She giggled. I love that sound so much.

“Well, erm, that’s work.” I told her. “Hey, when do you want to come to London? I have plane tickets waiting for ya” It’s only been less than a week and I miss her already.

“Erm… uhm Niall I still have to go to Los Angeles to visit my family. After I’m done here I might go there right away, and then I can go to London”

“Will you be here on your birthday?” It’s so selfish of me. I want her all to myself on her birthday.

“I’ll try, babe.” I smiled foolishly at the way she addressed me. She rarely calls me babe; usually she calls me Nialler or “love”. Louis smacked the back of my head, “quit smilin’, she isn’t here, is she?” they all laughed. These boys can really get into your nerves sometimes. “Hey I gotta go.” She told me, “where?” I asked. I don’t want her to go. “To Cary’s, remember?” Oh yeah… “Uhm, okay… Have f-fun.” I told her.

“Thanks, love” we’re back to “love” again. “And Niall?” “what?”  “I miss you… so much”

“I miss you too, Dianne. More than you know” I can hear her smile at the end of the line. “Well, bye”

“Bye, Niall. See you soon” I hung up this time and proceeded on eating with the lads.

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