Chapter 15: Gossip Train

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“I love you too” I whispered. He untangled our arms and he looked at me with intense longing in his eyes. He kissed me and I eagerly kissed him back. His kiss was intensely fervent and I could do nothing but return his kiss with the same level of passion. He pushed me towards the bed and I ended up falling with him on top. Niall was practically catching his breath when he began to remove his shirt, and he eagerly helped me remove mine.

Niall began kissing and nibbling on my neck and that little space between my collar bones. I tried preventing a moan from escaping, since there's still some sanity left in me to think that the guys are just a few feet below us.

I was left wearing only my undergarments and Niall was left with his boxers when Zayn entered the door. “Oh my God, sorry guys! I just needed to get something from Niall here… plus the lads asked me to check what happened with you guys, but it seems that you two…” Zayn looked everywhere but us “already made up. Well, see ya"

I can’t speak; my cheeks are probably as hot as the sun right now. Zayn, my best friend for God knows how long, just walked in on us. I’ve been walked in on for the second time! The first was Liam. The lads downstairs are probably talking about this right now.

“Oh my God…” I buried my head on Niall’s chest and he caressed my hair, laughing. How can he laugh after being seen almost naked with a woman?!

“Don’t be too uncomfortable, Dianne!” Niall was struggling to stifle his laugh, “We’re officially together, we practically have the right to do whatever the hell we want.”

“Ugh, but that was still so embarrassing!!” I said.

“Don’t worry about it, love! Now I’ll just go check on the lads to see what they want.” I can only nod.

Niall put on his sweats and headed downstairs, topless. The nerve of this guy!

I searched for my phone, planning to log onto twitter again to reply to some of my followers. Harry was right, Twitter really is addictive. I unlocked my phone, and saw a message that caught my attention.

“I told you he’d dump you sooner rather than later”

Christian sent me two photos of Niall with a girl. I reckoned these photos were taken yesterday since these were the clothes that Niall was wearing.

He was in a coffee shop carrying grocery bags full of chips, well he was right about that part where he told me he had to buy chips; but he didn’t tell me he was being too friendly with this girl.

The girl looked like she was having the time of her life being with my boyfriend. They were both laughing and Niall had his hand on the girl’s shoulder. The girl has a sleek, long, brown hair, long and toned legs, and a perfect waist. She literally had the body structure of a model. The girl had her head cocked backwards, possibly enjoying a little joke with Niall.

The second photo was closer, a half-body shot. Niall was leaning into the girl’s ear and she was smiling massively. Niall had his arm over her shoulders this time.

I was contemplating whether I should tell Niall or wait for him to tell me. Is he going to tell me? If he is then he should’ve told me earlier.

I didn’t reply to Christian. He sent me a long message that looks like an article in progress. The name of the girl is Rhyse. And according to the article, “they’ve been friends for quite a while now and they hang out every once in a while”.Why did I know about this only now?

Niall reentered carrying a tube of Sour & Cream Pringles. “So hey, I was wonderin’ if we could go to the beach tomorrow, y’know with the lads. We could bring security since that place is really public”

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