Chapter 36: Goodbye

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*Dianne’s POV*

FINALLY finished packing.

Niall and I are set to go back to London tomorrow. So today, we’ll just spend the whole day in the house, bonding with Greg, Maura, Bobby, and Denise. Denise is so friendly! Now I get why she and Niall are so close. She’s a darling!

Last night, Niall wasn’t able to contain his excitement. He told me stuff like, “oh when we’re on tour together, I can’t wait to see you at the end of every concert”, “I can’t believe this is happening”, “It’s like I’m coming home every night”, and most especially, “home is wherever you are”.

We weren’t able to sleep until midnight because of his excitement and endless stories about the “bus life”. But now, I’m finished packing… the clothes I packed are very limited since I won’t go back to LA anymore, so I just packed everything I brought so far.

I should be excited… but I’m not. I AM SOOO NERVOUS. What if the Management didn’t like me? What if nobody liked me?

Niall still didn’t come back to his room so I decided to step out and go downstairs. Greg was there with Maura. They were in some sort of a serious conversation so I decided not to pry. As usual, Greg caught sight of me and looked at me for a full minute before turning his attention back to his mom. Still, no Niall in sight. Where could he possibly be?

I went outside; I honestly don’t know where to go, but I haven’t fully explored this place since I arrived. So I guess Niall’s absence means alone time for me to explore Mullingar. I hailed a cab and asked the driver to go to the nearest mall. I got dropped off in a small mall. Its name is Mullingar Shopping Centre. It isn’t that big, but I can see what the stores offer. There were a lot of good catches so I decided to take a look.

There’s Bershka, Zara, Topshop, and a whole lot more. Well, I think I could begin shopping for clothes now. I entered Bershka first, there were only a few people since the mall just opened. The saleslady gaped upon my entrance. “You’re Dianne Robmyer!” she said. Whoa, creepy much?

“Hi, yes. How did you know me?”

“DUH!” she answered as if I should know the answer, “you’re Niall’s girlfriend! Niall’s really popular here. Of course, we’re all like family after all. Mullingar’s not that big of a town.”

The girl is blonde and pretty. “Do you have any silk kimono cardigans here?”

“Oh yeah, you’re lucky. New arrivals just arrived this morning before we opened. This way” and she led me to it. Bershka’s a super nice store! “So why come here alone?” she asked as she turned around. It’s like a discreet way of asking “where’s Niall?”

“Oh, Niall’s out. I don’t know where he went, so… I decided to get an alone time with myself”

“Ohh… anyway, I’m Hailey and here are the cardigans” she gestured to the huge rack of cardigans. I might even get 2... the designs are so pretty.

“Thanks Hailey. I’m Dianne” I shook her hand and smiled. I already picked out one, it’s coulored white as the base and there were four leaf clovers over it. It looked sophisticated at first, and it reminds me of Niall so I’ll buy it anyway, though I don’t know where I’m going to wear it.

I picked out another floral-themed cardigan; its base color is sky blue. Well, that was fast. I picked out a pair of black and white Italian brogues as well. And two other vintage-printed shirts. Ahh, I should never go shopping alone. This is so going to cost me.

I headed to the counter to pay, but my phone rang when I was about to get my wallet. “excuse me” I said to Hailey. Dad’s calling.


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