Chapter 25: Game Time

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*Dianne’s POV

“What’s up pretty lady?” I looked up from where I was sitting and a tall man with brown eyes and perfectly chiseled body was hovering above me. This man’s face could be recognized anywhere!

I abruptly stood up and hugged him, “Michael?! Oh my God!” I had to stand on my toes in order to reach his upper body. “How’ve you been? It’s been quite a while, huh?”

“I’m good, pretty stoked to play!” Michael shouted. Michael Phelps is like the BEST Olympic Swimmer around. He’s been my idol ever since I started swimming.  We met two years ago in a competition in Los Angeles; my team and I were just opening acts back then since I wasn’t really that developed of a synchronized swimmer yet. I remember how shy I was when I approached him and asked for his autograph. That was classic memory.

Since then, we’d always meet with each other every time ever since I started competing. Our contact has gone astray when I moved to Oregon. Apparently, I lost communication with almost everybody from my swimming family when I moved.

“How many events do you have?” I asked.

“Running tad low today, twenty events, I think. Am I impressive enough for you now?” He winked. Michael had always been a flirt around me ever since I hit sixteen years. Nope, he’s not sexually harassing me, just playful flirting.   

I giggled, “not impressive enough. Add more!”

Michael rolled his eyes, “you ravenous kid. No more! That’s already a ton! Easy for you to say, you only have like what? Three events today… Pssshhh”

“Well, why don’t you try synchronized swimming sometimes, yes?” I challenged, he agreed to try it after the competition, so we’d have the pool all to ourselves.

“So how have you been lately?” Michael sat down beside me, “so, Niall huh?” he smirked

By solely hearing his name made my heart clench everywhere. “I’ve been better. And, we broke up” I managed to give him a feeble smile.

Michael scooted closer to give me one of his famous bear hugs. “Awwww. My poor little girl,” he babied me, “since when?”

“Just two days ago” I said impassively.

Michael stood up, “I’ll be right back” and with that, I was left staring at the cold, blue tiles below my bare feet.

Michael returned a while after with a scoop of vanilla ice cream in hand, and honey on the other. He shrugged, “had to force my coach to buy this stuff. Here, I know how you girls wallow,” he handed me the sweets, “and don’t even refuse, okay? That stuff’ll help you pump up adrenaline! Sugar rushhhh!” He did weird actions through his muscular arms and I ended up laughing at him, “Thanks, Michael. You’re just the best!”

Michael’s beeper rang, he looked from me to the beeper and then back to me, “Lookie here, I’ll swim the first event,” he smiled, “well I better get going, Dianne. You be a good girl and finish your honey-smothered ice cream”

I licked at the ice cream and winked at him, “thanks and go kick arse!”

I finished the ice cream sooner than my usual time, and then I sauntered over to find the lads sans Niall and Liam. Liam opted to stay 'cause he instinctively knew that Niall would do something stupid if left alone.

Cary called me earlier today and apologized for not being able to make it, she specifically said that I should shift my full attention on this competition and discard any distractions. Ever the bossy Cary, but she's still the best-est!

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