Chapter 10: Of Course

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Seeing that Niall won’t permit me if I go anywhere, I sat down beside him, but he tapped his lap as a silent gesture for me to sit there. I complied and cooed, “What do you wanna talk about, Mr. Horan?” and batted my eyelashes at him.

He flushed and smiled at me. “What do you think are we?” he asked

“What do YOU think are we?” I threw his question back at him.

“We’re best mates…” he said while staring at the ground.

“Best mates don’t do what we do, Niall” I said. Clearly we’re something more, I thought.

“Just… just give me more time to figure this out.” Niall cleared his throat and looked at me again.

“Is that what you wanted to talk about? Us?” I acquiesced.

“Erm, uh… h-have you ever had a boyfriend?” He said, changing the topic. I didn’t mind, though. I’m just here to answer his stories. My mind instantly recalled two guys I fell head over heels for, not at the same time though. Christian and Kyle. Christian was my last boyfriend; we broke up about five months ago. He said he doesn’t feel like we’re in a relationship anymore. I told him that we could work it out, but he refused to fix things with me. I could only cry when I found out that he’s dating another girl. Jerk.

“Yes, I’ve only had two. Why do you ask?”

“Nothing. How many months had passed since you broke up with the last one?”

“Five. Why?” I asked, teary eyed at the memory. Well if he thinks I’m not ready for a relationship yet then screw it… he’s can’t determine whether I’m ready or not.

“I really, really, ehm, like you, Dianne” he looked at me with such passion, his blue eyes boring into mine. I noted to myself that yes I really, really like him too. If a blue-eyed, blond, Irish man says that to you, you melt. Just like I did.  His thick accent rings throughout our room. “You’re the most adorable creature I’ve ever seen. Please be mine, officially”

“Uhm, Niall. I don’t think your fans would be happy you being off the market. The fans love you!” I said, tad worried.

I got off his lap as he stood up and turned his back to me, I swore I heard him whisper. “Yeah the fans love me, but do you?” but the way he said it is like implying that I’m not supposed to hear it so I pretended not to hear anything.  

He started pacing back and forth; “Louis and Liam have a girlfriend, but I don’t see the fans bashing their girlfriends” he smiled at me. He’s beginning to make sense.

He stopped pacing and walked up to me, bring his face only inches away from mine. “So, uhm.. I’m not really good at this.” He laughed and I gave him a sheepish smile. “Ms. Dianne Michelle Robmyer, would you do me the esteemed the honor of being your irresistibly cute boyfriend?” he winked and I laughed.

I interlaced my arms around his neck, “Of course, love. Although I don’t agree on the cute part…” he pouted and I gave him a peck on the lips.

He kissed me back, but with more passion and intensity this time, I eagerly returned his kiss and he kept tugging on the hem of my shirt. He pushed me to the bed and we ended up facing each other.

“VAS HAPPENIN’!!!!!!!!” Zayn barged in through our moment, and for the first time I didn’t feel infuriated. Zayn looks so happy and carefree, not a single trace of anger is marked on his adorable features. He looked at us and smiled, “ohh, am I disturbing the two lovebirds?? Do you need more time together?” He said that in a baby-ish voice that sounded really irritating, and that did me, I glared at him and shouted, “You’re dead, Zayn Malik!”

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