three | first impression

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"So, just out of curiosity, why did you want me to show you around? I'm sure someone like Kirumi would be better suited for this kind of thing.." Shuichi asked, holding Kokichi's schedule in hand as they walked through the halls together.

"You just seemed like the least annoying out of everyone here. Plus, your eyeliner is cute." Kokichi shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Did you see that giant with the green hair? I was almost sure he'd, like, strangle me or something.. I definitely couldn't ask him to give me a tour."

"Thank you, but.. wait-" Being rather caught off guard by that description, Shuichi blinked a few times. "You're referring to Gonta? I wouldn't say that about him.. he's actually super kind, just get to know him."

"Eh. And what's up with that robot? Is that just normal around here?"

"Well, yeah, technology is really advanced these days.. but he's just like the rest of us, I promise. His name is Kiibo."

"..Huh. I'm going to have to ask him a lot of questions later." Kokichi smiled, looking as if he was about to start plotting something stupid. His tone said it all.

"Oh, um.." Shuichi paused. He was already starting to imagine the endless possibilities of how Kokichi would bother Kiibo, and he liked none of the outcomes of those scenarios, so he quickly tried finding a way to switch topics. "..Well, the good news is, it looks like we have a lot of classes together. So if you'd like, you can walk with me?"

"For real? You're sure your friends won't mind?" Seemingly surprised, Kokichi quickly looked up at Shuichi.

..Okay, Maki might mind, but Shuichi wasn't going to tell him that.

"I don't think they will. It must be nerve-wracking moving to a new school, right? I understand how that feels." Shuichi spoke, trying to sound as empathetic as he could.

"Huh? Not really, I've had to move schools so many times I can't even count 'em all on one hand. I've just had nobody want to be my friend on the first day. Like, ever." Kokichi said. He didn't seem bothered by it at all, which took Shuichi by surprise.

"Why don't people want to be your friend? I mean, rumors aside, you don't seem that bad."

"At least be original, Kirigiri. That's what everyone says before they start switching up on me."

"..Huh? What do you mean by-"

Interrupting Shuichi, almost as if it was on cue, the bell began to ring.

"Nothing! Let's go to class. It's math, right?" Kokichi asked, using the bell as an obvious excuse to change topics. He quickly grabbed Shuichi's hand, dragging him off to the classroom he'd shown him a few moments prior while they were touring.

"Yeah, that's right.." Shuichi nodded absentmindedly. Usually he wouldn't allow someone he just met to just grab his hand and drag him off like that, but he was too lost in thought at the moment to say anything about it.

What did Kokichi mean by that remark just now, and why did he change topics so quickly? It kinda makes sense, given all of these little things that he'd been saying about moving schools. Maybe he's got a hard life that he's trying to suppress? Especially with all of those bandages and bruises that he has.. but that just worries Shuichi even more. Was he truly initiating fights like the rumors were implying, or was he a victim? But then again, he did seem rather rude discussing the other students just now.. it was just so difficult to try to piece together. Maybe it wasn't his place to try to piece it together, though. All he knew was that he seriously hoped he wasn't getting himself into anything bad by befriending Kokichi..

In the blink of an eye, Shuichi and Kokichi were standing side by side in the classroom doorway.

Shuichi was quickly brought back down to earth when he saw his group of friends inside. They were all sitting at a table together in the back of the room, giving him looks of confusion.

"..Ah, Kokichi, can I sit with my friends for now? They're probably super confused." Shuichi asked, looking at Kokichi as he gently let go of his hand. "We can sit together in the next class, okay?"

"Hm? Sure, whatever! I can go socialize with these other losers in the meantime." He shrugged, scanning the room for people to bother. Immediately, his eyes locked on Kiibo and he made his way over to his table so he could introduce himself.

Watching that all unfold, Shuichi let out a soft sigh before making his way over to his own friends. He sat in the empty seat they saved for him, and immediately, they all began asking questions.

"..So, do you mind telling us what all that was about? You kinda just disappeared from the garden earlier." Rantaro asked.

"Yeah! You worried us, man," Kaito added.

"You didn't get into anything weird, did you?" Maki asked, completely ready to fight for Shuichi.

"None of you are asking the important questions. Shuichi, who's that odd looking boy that you just walked in here with?" Korekiyo raised an eyebrow, gesturing towards Kokichi with his finger.

Kaede nodded aggressively in agreement with Korekiyo. "Right! Do you like eachother? You were holding hands."

"No, no!" Completely overwhelmed with all of the questions he was being bombarded with, Shuichi shook his head with a beet-red face. "That's not it at all.. he's Kokichi Ouma, he just wanted me to show him around before class started, okay?"

For a moment, there was silence between the group.

Rantaro stared in disbelief. "For real? That's Kokichi Ouma?"

Shuichi nodded.

"You serious? He doesn't look like he lives up to those rumors, like, at all.." Kaito whispered.

"Yeah, he's shockingly scrawny.." Maki muttered.

Kaede shrugged. "Maybe it's one of those things where he's stronger than he looks?"

"Tell us, Shuichi. What is he like?" Korekiyo asked.

"Well, it's kinda difficult to get a read on him, I guess? He seems energetic and a little bit judgmental right off the bat, but not aggressive or anything like that.." Shuichi sighed. "I don't know yet. We only spoke briefly."

"I wouldn't get close to him if I were you." Maki said, crossing her arms. "If he's already bothering Kiibo like that, who knows what he'll do to you?"

The only reason Maki seemed so concerned was because Shuichi was one of the most softhearted here. He knew that. But still, he'd feel bad if he tried to push Kokichi away with no valid reason.

He nodded, suddenly feeling a little nervous. "I get that, but he at least needs a chance, don't you agree? We barely know him yet.."

Maki scoffed.


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