seven | the verdict

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"I'm not sorry, and I still think that it was intentional." Maki stated, shifting in her seat. "There's no way he threw a ball like that with perfect precision on accident, and if you think so, you're more gullible than I thought."

Kokichi sighed loudly, rolling his eyes. "Then get it through your abnormally thick skull that it was, in fact, on damn accident. I don't know what else to tell you."

Interrupting them, the principal slammed her hand on the table. "Stop it! Right now, I don't want to hear anything else from either of you."

Despite clearly not wanting to, Maki and Kokichi quickly shut up after that. They kept talking in circles and arguing with each other, it really didn't seem like they'd come to an agreement anytime soon, so the principal decided to get somebody else's perspective.

She swiftly turned her head towards Shuichi and Kaede. "You two. Since you wanted to take matters into your own hands, tell me everything that happened."

Kaede nodded, gesturing towards her bandaged-up knee. "I scraped my knee earlier, so Shuichi took me to the nurses office to get it fixed. When we came back, they were just going at it and fighting.. we thought that the wise decision would be to break them up before the situation escalated even more. Then, Shuichi took Kokichi to the bathroom to help him clean up his nose, and I followed them in. That's it."

"Then neither of you witnessed the moments leading up to the fight?"

Shuichi nervously shook his head. "No, we didn't."

"Okay then. Kaito, explain your side."

"Man, I don't really know.. after I got hit, Shuichi and Kaede already had the nurses office occupied, so the coach decided to take me aside and help me out himself. I heard some commotion going on in the gym, but I had no idea that they were fighting. I'm just now finding all of this out." Kaito muttered, clearly distressed.

The woman nodded, her facial expression looking rather exhausted. "Right.. I think that I understand the situation now. That being said, my punishments for you are decided. For today, I'm sending you all home and I will be calling your parents. Maki, effective tomorrow, you're suspended for three days. Kaede, for entering the boys restroom without reason, you're getting a detention tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?"

After that was said, silence filled the room for a minute. Nobody said a word.

Of course, until suddenly, Kokichi interjected. "Hold on! Okay, I couldn't give a fuck less about Maki and Kaito, but what did Shuichi and Kaede even do wrong? Why are they being sent home too?"

The principal gave him a glare. "There are various problems with them intervening without an adult around. Are you looking for a detention too, Ouma? Given your record from other schools, I wouldn't risk it."

"Geez, I was just asking, didn't mean to hit a nerve.." He grumbled, crossing his arms.

"That's what I thought. You're all free to leave. I'll be calling your parents now, so go wait for them to arrive outside of the school."

Without a word, they all got up and left the office. Things seemed to be extremely tense now, and that worried Shuichi a ton. Two of his friends now officially had a rivalry. He wasn't mad at Maki nor Kokichi in this situation, but he knew that if they ever crossed paths and got into a conflict again, she was gonna do a lot worse than make his nose bleed. Shuichi had no idea how he was going to hang out with the both of them without that happening.

Seriously though, he was in disbelief. Just a few hours ago, he was in the car with his friends and having fun. Now, he was sitting outside on a bench waiting to be picked up after he witnessed his friends fight.. his mom was still at work right now, so that meant his dad would have to be the one to come.

Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder. As he looked up, he saw Kaede and Kokichi standing in front of him.

"Hey, don't look so depressed, okay?" Kaede smiled, having a seat beside of Shuichi.

"Yeah! Somehow, it makes your pretty face look ugly.." Kokichi snickered, sitting next to Kaede, leaving Shuichi squished to the side of the bench.

"..Thank you for that." Shuichi said sarcastically, scooting over to make room for the two.

"You're welcome!" Kokichi smiled. "So that was the principal, huh? She seems rude."

"She's usually pretty nice, but then again, this is the first time a fight happened on the first day of school, so I guess the anger is understandable." Kaede shrugged. "Giving me a detention was stupid, though.."

"For real? So the first time a fight happened on the first day of school was when I transferred here? Damn, I guess I am bad luck like everyone says." Kokichi huffed, leaning back against the bench.

"Yeah, pretty much! But I think I can also speak for Shuichi when I say this, we think you're a cool guy. You shouldn't sweat it." Kaede reassured Kokichi, patting him on the back.

"Thank you, losers. I appreciate..." Kokichi began to speak, suddenly stopping mid sentence. "Oh, I think my mom is here!" He said, hopping up from his seat.

"Ah, now that you mention it, I think my dad's here as well.. I see his car." Shuichi added, standing up after Kokichi.

"Awh man, mine aren't here yet.. I'm gonna be alone." Kaede sighed playfully, crossing her arms. "I'll see you two tomorrow, then?"

"Yup! Also, Shuichi, I'm probably going to harass you over text now that I've got your number, so this isn't goodbye for now." Kokichi stated rather bluntly, leaving Shuichi with that information before before turning around and skipping over to his mothers car.

"...Uh, good to know?" Shuichi muttered under his breath, almost wanting to laugh at Kokichi's absurdity. He turned around to Kaede and waved her goodbye before also walking to his dad's car.

Makoto was already standing outside of the car waiting for Shuichi, clearly concerned and waiting for an explanation. "Shuichi, what happened? Is Kaito alright?"

"Um.. seriously, it's a long story, but I think that he's okay! Maki got into a fight with this new boy today because of him." Shuichi muttered, getting stressed out all over again just mentioning it.

"Really? Did it happen to be that boy with the purple hair you were talking with just now? I've never seen him before.."

Shuichi nodded. "Yeah, he's a little questionable, but he's nice. His name is Kokichi."

Makoto paused. "..Kokichi? Is his last name Ouma?"

"Yeah, it is.. why do you know that?"

"..That's Celeste's son."

"Dad, who is Celeste?"

"No way. I can't believe it."


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