forty-five | I love you

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They made the second kiss last a little bit longer than the first, finally being able to bask in eachother's love and warmth freely. Kokichi's embrace felt like true heaven to Shuichi; there was literally nothing that he desired more. Everywhere his hands and lips touched, he wanted those sensations to last and linger around forever. But, unfortunately, they had to pull away at some point. It's not exactly proper concert etiquette to make out in front of a bunch of strangers, especially if you're in the very front row.

"I love you, Shuichi." Kokichi whispered, slightly out of breath.

"I love you too," Shuichi blushed a bright red, pulling Kokichi in for a hug. "I'm really happy I get to kiss you and hold you like this... so, so happy."

"You're too cute." Kokichi giggled, squeezing Shuichi tight. "I'm happy too! You have no clue how many times I've had to resist the urge to kiss you before."

"Huh? Really?"

"Yup! But, anyways, this seems like the appropriate time to ask... I want you to be mine and only mine. So, will you be my boyfriend?"

Shuichi nodded, smiling. "Of course I will."

He said those words with a rather calm tone of voice, but his mind was much different. His thoughts were racing just about as much as his heart was. Kokichi Ouma just asked him to be his boyfriend? They were now boyfriends? He's dating his crush? Is this a dream? He should probably pinch himself to make sure... no, that's silly. But still, what? He could now officially call this amazing boy his boyfriend? He's winning at life. Thank you, Kaede.

"Yaaaaay! I'm definitely not gonna be able to keep my lips off of you after this performance is over, you know that, right?" Kokichi said, gently running his fingers through Shuichi's hair.

"Oh, um... I wouldn't mind that at all, actually..."

"You sure? Your neck and your lips would be totally ravished right now if we were in private."


"Kidding, kidding!"

They continued to exchange more cute little whispers with one another, eventually not talking anymore and instead just taking the time to enjoy the rest of the song together. Kokichi leaned his head on Shuichi's shoulder, Shuichi had his arm wrapped around Kokichi, it was nice and calm. Especially with Kaede's piano playing in the back. After everything had officially concluded, Shuichi and Kokichi went to go visit her backstage.

"Kaede, you did so good!" Kokichi shouted, going back into frog mode and leaping into her arms.

Kaede caught him, playfully swinging him back and forth. "Thank you! I saw you guys kiss! You're together now, right!? My plan worked?"

Shuichi blushed. "Mhm, we're together. Thank you so much, Kaede."

"Eeeeeeeeee!" Kaede squealed, "You have no idea how painful it was watching all of that romantic tension between you two! I wanted to do something about it, and then I remembered the way you were dancing together, so I used that song! But anyways, yeah! I'm super happy!"

"Woah, this is the most excited that I've ever seen you. Did you want us to date that bad?" Kokichi snickered.

"Yes! You're way too cute together! Besides, I wouldn't want Shuichi to be with anyone else other than you, Kokichi." Kaede said, putting him back down. "Can I go ahead and say something super sappy real quick?"

Interested, Kokichi tilted his head. "Sure thing, go on!"

"So, Kokichi, I know that we banter and joke around pretty often, but putting that aside for a second, I love you so much. I know that you had a pretty rocky start moving over here, and I'm sorry about that, but... you're a great friend. Not only that, I also wanted to thank you for bringing out a side in Shuichi that I haven't seen in a long time. This is the first time I've ever truly seen him in love. I appreciate you for coming back into his life and giving him your heart, seriously. I hope you know that we see nothing but the best in you, it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks."

"I agree with her." Shuichi added, gently grabbing Kokichi's hand. "You are so important to me. I don't ever want you to feel alone, because, well... you have a friend who cares about you, and a boyfriend who loves you now."

Kokichi's expression softened. He glanced around the room, seemingly a little confused. To be honest, he wasn't sure how to respond. It's one of those moments where someone tells you something that you really needed to hear, but you didn't know that you needed to hear it, so you're just awestruck.

"Thank you, guys. I love you too." He finally managed to say, adverting eye-contact a little.

Kaede playfully gasped, giggling as she pulled Kokichi into a hug. "No snide comment this time? Have we finally silenced you?"

"Shuddup!" Kokichi huffed, hugging her back anyways. "Join us, Shuichi!"

"Right back to the banter, I see..." Shuichi laughed, joining the hug.

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