forty-three | perfect

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After a few more minutes of Kokichi playfully terrorizing Kaede while Shuichi watched, they all eventually made it to their houses. The concert would be starting in a few hours, so there wasn't all that much Shuichi could do to pass the time. There wasn't any detective work he needed to handle, there wasn't any homework he had to do, nor did he have any unfinished books to read, so...

Why not fanboy to his dad about his crush? That seemed like the next best thing to do. Makoto was in the kitchen baking, it was a hobby of his, and Shuichi stood to his side as he assisted him.

"So, what kind of stuff does he say to you? Anything in particular you remembered?" Makoto tilted his head, mixing the cupcake batter very sparingly. He couldn't ruin his brand-new Hello Kitty apron.

"Yeah, actually. He says a lot of sweet stuff to me all of the time, but I think my favorite compliment is the one about my laugh... he called it angelic, which really caught me off guard. I don't think I've ever heard something like that before, you know? But I also really like it when he calls me cute too." Shuichi excitedly rambled, barely able to contain himself as he worked on the icing.

"Yeah? What else?"

"He also holds my hand a lot, which I really like, but sometimes I get nervous that my hands might be a little sweaty. They're usually not, but he gets me so flustered sometimes, it's difficult... I noticed that I start to blush and get shy a lot more whenever he's around, even though I try my best not to... It doesn't help that he stole my clothes and wore them to school today, either. I had such a hard time looking at him and making eye-contact at times, he looked so nice, I kept blushing. It was extremely embarrassing."

"Huh? Why'd he steal your clothes?"

"I have no idea. I'm not sure if he did it just to fluster me, or some other reason. It's always a gamble with him... which happens to be another reason why I like him. He's  always full of surprises."

"I see... do you plan on confessing your feelings anytime soon? I think it's pretty obvious he at least has some sort of love towards you too."

Shuichi blushed. "I kind of tried to when we were at the park together, but... I didn't go all out or anything."

"Gotcha. That at least means you're getting somewhere though, right?"


They continued to chat and bake together, eventually switching from Kokichi to multiple other random topics. They were mostly basic 'Would You Rather' questions, like would you rather be too hot or too cold? Would you rather be the smartest person in the room or the funniest person in the room? Things of that persuasion.

Time ended up passing rather quickly though, and eventually, it was time to get ready for Kaede's concert. Shuichi ended up putting a lot of extra thought into what he wore tonight since he'd be supporting his childhood best-friend, so he took a little longer than usual while preparing, making sure no detail was left out.

Finally emerging from his room, he came back to Kyoko taste-testing the finished cupcakes while Makoto expectantly watched her. They both glanced over at him at the same time, an impressed expression appearing on their faces.

"You look nice, Shuichi," Kyoko complimented, giving a slight nod of approval. "Are you excited to go?"

"Thank you so much." Shuichi smiled, glad his effort seemed to pay off. "I'm definitely excited to go. This is a huge thing for Kaede, so it makes me really happy that I'm able to be there for her."

"Oh, yeah! Tell her I said congratulations!" Makoto chimed in, "You'll be sitting next to Kokichi too, right? Isn't that a plus?"

Shuichi nodded, going to have a seat on the couch. "That's right. He insisted that we head over there together, so he'll be here in a few minutes."

Admittedly, he found himself feeling a bit jittery. Was it the excitement of getting to see Kaede? The nervousness of having to sit next to his crush the entire time? Both? He didn't know. In the meantime, he just tried his best to keep himself occupied. He glanced out of the window, admiring the sky. The sun was going down by this point in the day, so it was a gorgeous blue fading into an orange-pink. He got his phone out to take a photo of it, but instead, he was greeted with a notification. He opened it pretty quick when he saw that it was from Kokichi.

Ko💜: check your front door bbg ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

Okay, I'll be right there. :)

Slightly perplexed by the nickname he was just called, Shuichi slid his phone in his pocket and headed for the door. He mentally hyped himself up a little bit before opening it, and on the other side of the door, of course, there was... Kokichi?

Shuichi's breath hitched when he saw how genuinely beautiful this boy looked. Seriously, he could've sworn for a second that his heart skipped a beat. He started profusely blushing as he frantically tried to search for something to say.

Kokichi pouted. "What? My mom picked this outfit for me, is it shitty?"

Shuichi quickly found his resolve as he vigorously shook his head. "No, no, not at all! Actually, your mom has a great style... you look really handsome, Kokichi."

Genuinely, Celeste has to be some sort of fashionista. Kokichi held a resemblance to a beautiful gothic prince of sorts, an elegant boy with the kind of beauty that you'd only be able to spot in the renaissance paintings. Every single piece complimented him perfectly. Shuichi found himself wanting time to stand still for a second, only so he could admire him in this moment for a little while longer; the radiant sunset behind Kokichi illuminated his frame perfectly.

Kokichi smiled. It was obvious hearing those words provided a little relief. "Thank you, cutie! You look super pretty too, as always. Ready to go?"

Shuichi let out a soft sigh, smiling. He just wanted this boy to be his already.

"Of course, let's go."

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