thirty-six | whispers

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Shortly after they tidied up the house, Kokichi thanked Kaede for helping out and she left to go home for the night. After that, the oblivious lovebirds were left by themselves, and they went to Shuichi's place together. Of course, they couldn't leave the cat by himself, so he came along with them.

Kokichi practically burst through Shuichi's bedroom door, immediately heading for the bed. Shuichi tiredly trudged in behind him, gently shutting the door.

"Have I ever told you how much I love your room? It's so comfy." Kokichi said, grabbing a random pillow and cuddling up to it.

"You think so? That's good, I'm glad you like it." Shuichi smiled, yawning a bit as he joined Kokichi in bed.

Kokichi giggled a little hearing Shuichi's yawn. "What? Are you tired already?"

Shuichi nodded slowly. "Yeah, a little bit..."

"Awh, that kinda sucks. I was looking forward to wearing you out some more, y'know?"

"You didn't get enough of that while you were dragging me around making me try everything at the party?"

"Hey! Don't act like you didn't enjoy it."

Shuichi chuckled. "Yeah, I did... I had fun with you, Kokichi."

"Yay! Good to hear!" Kokichi cheered. "Okay, you get rest then. I'll put on something to watch. Sound good?"

"Mhm, thank you..." Shuichi lazily mumbled, the words just barely passing through his lips. Kokichi tossed the pillow he was holding off to the side and grabbed the TV remote, flicking on some miscellaneous movie.

Shuichi laid down, trying his best to focus on the movie, although he'd occasionally find his eyes trying to close here and there.

While Shuichi's attention wasn't on him, Kokichi slowly squirmed his way over to Shuichi's side. He wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a hug, laying his head on Shuichi's chest.

Shuichi tensed up at this, starting to blush. He awkwardly reciprocated the hug, gently rubbing Kokichi's back. He was now rather hyperaware of his surroundings, unable to focus on the movie at all. He's cuddling Kokichi right now, which he's more than happy about, but... he could only think about how close they were. It made him unable to think straight. Literally and figuratively.

Kokichi, on the other hand, didn't seem so bothered. In fact, he almost looked satisfied, like he wanted to make Shuichi flustered.

"Relax, okay? Your heartbeat is going crazy right now." Kokichi cooed, his voice honeyed.

"Ah, I'm sorry..." Shuichi bashfully apologized. He tried his best to relax, but his attempts were futile. Kokichi knew exactly how to give him butterflies.

"It's okay. You're such a mess, you know that? It's so cute." Kokichi snickered, squeezing him a little tighter. "Hey, I didn't get to ask, but what did you talk about with Maki earlier? You guys are good now, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. I still don't entirely know what's wrong with her, but it's a step forward, so I'm happy." Shuichi smiled a little, moving his hand up towards Kokichi's hair, starting to play with it.

"Good. I'm happy for you." Kokichi said, obviously harboring a bit of hesitance in his tone. Shuichi caught onto that pretty quick.

"I'll get her to come around to you, okay? I promise." He reassured him. "You're important to me, you know that. I want you to be happy too, always."

"The fact that you're next to me gives me reason enough to be happy." Kokichi whispered, leaning into Shuichi's touch. "Get some sleep, 'kay?"

"Okay... you make me happy too, Kokichi. More than you realize."

After uttering those heartfelt words, Shuichi fell asleep a few moments later. Kokichi still wasn't all that tired, so he continued to watch the movie while holding his sleeping crush in his arms. Truthfully, things couldn't get any better.

He whispered a quiet "I love you," to him while he was still sleeping and unable to hear.

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