forty-seven | doodles

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The alarm ended up startling them both awake the next morning. It was a bit of a challenge to get Kokichi up and out of bed at first due to him being completely enveloped in tons of blankets of pillows, but he eventually emerged from the pile after a little bit of bribery. They got ready for school together, Kokichi insisting on wearing Shuichi's clothes again despite him having his own. They begrudgingly walked there, spotting Kaede as they headed inside. She appeared oddly indolent—the complete opposite compared to last night.

She was wearing a tank-top and sweatpants, her hair lazily pulled into a ponytail. A cup of coffee was just barely in her grip as she yawned. Considering how much effort she'd typically put into her appearance, this was definitely a little bizarre.

"You look like you just worked a twelve hour shift, what happened?" Kokichi raised an eyebrow as he approached her. Shuichi was right behind him.

"I was so tired from last night, I kinda overslept... I'm considering turning around and just going home. Is that allowed? Can I do that?" Kaede sighed, sipping her coffee, almost missing her mouth as she did so.

Shuichi shook his head, disappointed. "Unfortunately, I don't think so. Do you think that you can hold out for the day?"

"I guess so... I can always just take a nap in class, right?" She shrugged, rubbing her eyes. "Enough about me, though. What about you two? How was your first sleepover together as boyfriends?"

Kokichi opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. "Huh? Now that you're bringing it up, I don't remember a thing. I only recall Shuichi carrying me in the house, and uh... yeah, that's it."

"Ah, right, you were super tired... you don't remember all of that stuff you said then, I'm assuming?" Shuichi asked.

"Whaaaaat? What stuff? What'd I say?"

"It was nothing much, you just rambled about a lot of adorable things before you went to sleep."

"That doesn't really narrow anything down, though. I'm always super adorable! But not as adorable as you, of course!" Kokichi snuck in that last bit, getting on his tip-toes and kissing Shuichi before quickly running off to class.

Shuichi stood there in disbelief, blushing pretty hard. Kaede, on the other hand, watched in amusement. She glanced around the area, noticing a couple of eyes on them now.

"Everyone saw that. The cat's definitely out of the bag now." Kaede said, nudging him on the arm.

Shuichi nodded, "It's okay, I don't mind if people know. It's not like I want to hide him or anything."

With that, they both trailed after Kokichi and followed him into the classroom. They all sat at a table together, and Kaede wasted absolutely no time laying her head on it and dozing off to sleep. That left Shuichi and Kokichi to have some conversation in the meantime.

"Hey, you said that Maki wants to talk to me, right? Do you think I should come up to her today and get it over with?" Kokichi asked, resting his head on Shuichi's shoulder as he procrastinated once more on his assignments. He was doodling on the corner of the paper.

"Yeah, that'd probably be for the best." Shuichi replied, gently petting Kokichi's head as he watched him draw. He couldn't really discern what it was, though. "What are you making?"

Kokichi suddenly jolted up after hearing that question, quickly dropping his pencil and hastily covering the drawing up with his hands. "Nothing! Mind your business!"

Shuichi frowned. "Um... is it bad?"

Kokichi nodded vigorously. "Yup! Horrible! Deplorable! Devious! If you look at, you'll cry!"

Shuichi's facial expression went from surprised to confused rather quick. "You're lying, I can tell. What is it?"

Kokichi eventually let out an exaggerated sigh, taking his hands off of the paper and handing it to Shuichi. Unbeknownst to him, it'd turn out to possibly one of the cutest things he'd ever seen in his entire life. Kokichi had drawn stick figures of him and Shuichi, and they were holding hands. Shuichi's ahoge was drawn as a cute little heart shape, and next to them, there was Kokichi's cat. It looked like they were a little family. Additionally, there was a mini Kaede stick figure standing off to the side.

Shuichi clutched his chest. It felt like cupid just hit him right where it hurts.

"Kokichi, please let me keep this. Can I?"

"Yeah, if you wanna..." Kokichi mumbled, embarrassed. Of course, he was secretly super happy that he liked it.

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