eleven | forte

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"That girl's been glaring at me all day long.. you think she really hates me that much? I haven't even done anything that bad yet!" Kokichi whispered to Shuichi, walking along his side. After that talk with Maki happened, the school day went by pretty quickly, and now the two boys were heading to their last class of the day together.

"Yeah, she tends to hold grudges.." Shuichi sighed, glancing at Maki for a split second, who was clearly eyeing Kokichi from across the halls. "I guess she's just angry still? I wouldn't worry about it too much."

"Weirdo..." Kokichi muttered. "Well, whatever! She's no longer my problem, she can be mad all she wants." He stated, shrugging his shoulders.

"I have a feeling that the fact you're so unbothered is what's making her so angry, don't you agree?" Shuichi speculated, gently nudging Kokichi on the shoulder. "Honestly, I think that you should reason with her, but.. I suspect that won't end well at all."

"That definitely wouldn't work out. Do you see how mad she gets when I do literally anything? Look, watch this," Kokichi began, starting to inch closer to Shuichi. He gripped his hand and intertwined their fingers, making sure they were close, before turning towards Maki and waving at her condescendingly.

Maki clenched her fists. Sighing, she just looked away to prevent losing her cool. Without a doubt, if she didn't talk to Shuichi, and if it wasn't her first day back from suspension, she'd probably have given Kokichi a piece of her mind right then and there. She knew he was just doing it to provoke her, and that fact only made it worse.

Kokichi snickered as he released Shuichi's hand. "See? She totally hates the sight of me with you and everything! She'd punch me again without a second thought if there weren't any consequences for it."

Entirely taken aback by what had just happened, Shuichi's face began to get pink out of embarrassment. "..I see, but please try not to mess with her like that, okay? It's her first day back, she doesn't need more trouble."

Kokichi paused before lightly huffing. "Fineeeee, let's just go to class then!" He said, grabbing Shuichi's hand again and dragging him away to the art room.

Earlier this week, the art teacher had the class choose partners for an assignment. Of course, Shuichi and Kokichi decided to partner up with one another. Unfortunately, they were both quite mediocre at art, so although they were almost finished with their piece by this point, it just looked off. It was due today though, so somehow, they had to find a way to fix it up fast.

Kokichi brought their painting to the table they were sitting at, and after he placed it down, he rested his hands on his hips and just stared at it for a moment. Shuichi looked at it as well with an as equally perplexed expression.

That went on for a while, but no matter how much they stared at it, they still couldn't figure out what could possibly be wrong.

"..You know, I think we might just need a second opinion." Shuichi suggested.

"Yeah, you're right. Who's done though?" Kokichi squinted, beginning to scan the room for someone who could help. Suddenly, he let out a gasp of realization. "You! Weirdo with the white hair, c'mere!" He yelled, pointing at Angie.

She'd already finished her painting a while ago, and her partner was Korekiyo, so it was indefinitely established that they had the best painting out of everybody in the class. Their artistic prowess made them a force to be reckoned with, and in the best way possible, they were both rather odd and had the same off-putting energy, which prompted them to become good friends rather quickly.

"Hmmmm?" She hummed, swiftly turning around before skipping over to the two of them. "Shuichi, Kokichi, my buddies! What do you need?"

"We were wondering if you could give us some advice on our painting?" Shuichi requested, gesturing towards their unfinished art.

"Ah, I see, I see!" She nodded, picking up their painting and beginning to examine it. She'd say a few things under her breath as if she was taking notes. "I think these trees are lacking, along with the sky, indeed.. add more stars! You're clearly hesitating, just go all out! That's supposed to be the fun part about art."

Kokichi smiled. "Thank you! Uh.. what was your name? Angler fish?"

Angie hesitated for a moment, but shrugged it off and nodded. "Indubitably, that's me! If we're animals now.. I'd say you're a Raccoon! Extremely tiny and cute, but dangerous." She winked, starting to go on a slight side tangent. "Shuichi, you're a cat! Very intelligent and graceful, but quiet in nature."

"Really? Thank you, I quite like cats." Shuichi smiled. Typically he would struggle to find words to respond with, but he was already quite used to Angie's chipper behavior and random topics of conversation, so this was nothing.

Kokichi gasped and began to cross his arms. "Why'd Shuichi get the cool animal? Don't Raccoons like, eat trash or whatever?"

"Raccoons are just as awesome! Great cuddle companions!" Angie reassured him, gently patting his head. "Plus, a little birdie told me you were chugging soda cans at lunch today, wouldn't you consider that trash consumption?"

Kokichi opened his mouth to counter that, but nothing came out. "..Okay, you got me there."

"Of course. You're playing checkers, I'm playing chess!" She grinned, turning around and beginning to walk away. "There's forty minutes of class left, you two better start getting to work on that painting! I'll leave you to it."

As she walked off, Kokichi stared at her with a confused expression, and then glanced back over at Shuichi. "Geez, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I kind of like her? She's carefree, but like, in an off-putting way.. is she always like that?"

"Yeah! She's always really upbeat and caring," Shuichi said, grabbing a paintbrush and beginning to fix the painting up according to Angie's advice. "I don't think anybody's ever even seen her get angry before, for that matter."

"For real? How weird." Kokichi said, starting to help Shuichi with the painting. Of course, he was following her advice as well, and was really going all out.

They used the remaining forty minutes in class to finalize their painting, and it actually ended up looking pretty okay in comparison to what they had before, so they ended up with a passing grade from the teacher and two cat-stickers of approval from Angie placed on their foreheads.

With that, finally, the last bell of the day had rung.

Usually, the two would go their separate ways at this point due to Shuichi always going home with his other friends. But this time, as they walked out of the school doors together, Kokichi posed a question.

"Shuichi, you wanna walk home with me today? If you want to, you can stop by and see my cat."

"Ah, sure, I don't mind. It sounds fun."

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